FEBRUARY, 1698/9 COURT 447
Knife 30 1 ball Gotten weeke
40 ....................... 70
Jan. 6
To 2 thimbles and 3 lbs. Ray-
sens and 3 lbs. Currants .... 67
To one pair mens plaine Shoes
and 2 doz. mettle buttons .. 52
To 1 Gimlett 1 pair Gloves 22,
21/2 yards Kersey and 6 doz.
pipes 95 .................. 117
To 6 Ells white Canvas, 8 yards
blew 182, 4 lbs. Soap 2 yards
Riben 52 ................. 234
[Jan.] 17
To 2 yards broad blew 3 Ells
bagg holland .............. 160
To 1 pair mens hose 1 pair
mens Falls 1/2 Ib. browne
thred ..................... 100
May the 30 1696
to Six yards Printed Holland
and 1 Serge Suite .......... 700
To 1 Ib. brown Thred and one
peice of tape .............. 50
To 1 pair worsted hose 1 Ib.
pouder 6 lbs. Shott ........ 88
The Plantiffs by Joshua Cecell their attorney haveing caused a Coppy of the
Declaration and of the account by the Sherifs to be Delivered to the Defendant
at the time the writt Should have been Served but that and two or three others
ware returned that the Defendant was not to be found the Plantives by Joshua
Cecell their attorney aforesaid prayes Judgment for twelve hundred thirty Six
pounds of Tobacco it being the ballance of accounts and by the Court it is
Granted unto them.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton recover
against the Said William Jones the Sume of twelve hundred thirty and Six
pounds of Tobacco his Debt aforsaid and their Damages by occation of De-
teineing the Said Debt to four hundred Sixty and Eight pounds of Tobacco to
the Said Edward and Dudley Carleton of their assent by the Court here ad-
judged and the Said William Jones in mercy.
Treacys Administrator Plantiff: Thomas Vaughun Defendant
Command was given to the Sheriffe of Prince Georges County that of the
Goods Chatties and Credditts of Thomas Vaughun hee atteach in the hand or
hands of any Person or persons in this County he atteach as well the Sume of
two thousand forty Six pounds of Tobacco a Certaine Debt for Damages re-
covered against him as allso the Sume of four hundred twenty one pounds of
Tobacco Cost of Suite in the whole amounting to Two thousand four hundred
and Sixty Seven pounds of Tobacco when he had the Same atteached or any
part thereof the Same in his hands to keep so that he have the Same before the
Justices of our next Prince Georges County Court to be held at Charles Towne