August the 24th 1698.
The above account made up
and Ballanced and the Ballance
above remaineing Due as above-
per me Ninian Beall
By Tobacco Due to you for
Clerkes Fees in Prince
Georges County Court to
the End of November
Court .................
By attorneyes Fees in Full
to the 24th of Aug. 1698..
By a pair of Handcufs to
Joshua Wellsted ........
And the Said Ninian Beall by John Meryton his Attorney cometh and
Deffendeth the force and Injury when etc. and Prayeth Lycence thereof to
imparle here untill the next Court and it is Granted unto him, the Same Day
is given to the Plantiffe Likewise.
Att which Said Court (to witt) the 22d Annoque Domini 1698 came as well
the Said Joshua Cecell in his proper person as the Said Ninian Beall by his
Attorney afforesaid and the Said Joshua Cecell Prayeth that the Said Ninian
Beall to his Declaration aforesaid may answer.
Whereupon the Said Ninian Beall by John Meryton his Attorney cometh and
Defendeth the Force and Injury and Saith that he is not informed by the Said
Ninian Beall his Clyent of any answer for the Said Ninian Beall in the Plea
afforesaid to be given and nothing more thereof Saith by which the Said
Joshua Cecell remaineth against the Said Ninian Beall undefended etc.
Therefore it is Considered that the Said Joshua Cecell recover against the
Said Ninian Beall the Sume of two thousand five hundred Seventy and five
pounds of Tobacco his Debt aforesaid and his Damages by Occation of deteine-
ing the Said Debt three hundred forty Eight pounds of tobacco for his Cost and
Charges in this behalfe Susteined to the Said Joshua Cecell of his assent by the
Court here adjudged and the Said Ninian Beall in Mercy.
William Rownd Plantiff: Robert Anderson Defendant
Robert Anderson Late of Prince Georges County Planter was atteached to
answer unto James Rounds of a Plea of tresspass upon the Case etc.
And whereupon the Said James by Joshua Cecell his Attorney Compleineth
that whereas the Said Robert the thirtith Day of October in the year of our
Lord 1697 att Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court Stood in-
debted unto the Said James in the Sume of Seven Hundred and Seventy pounds
of Tobacco being for Eleven pair of Shoes att Seventy pounds of Tobacco for
Each pair by David Small Factor of the Said James Sold and Delivered to the
Said Robert And the Said Robert to the Said James in manner afforesaid being
indebted in Consideration thereof did assume upon himselfe and to the Said
James then and there Faithfully Promise that he the Said Robert the Said Sume
of 770 pounds of Tobacco to the Said James When he Should be afftarwards
thereunto requested would well and truely Content and Pay Nevertheless the
Said Robert his Promise and assumption soe as aforesaid made little regarding
but mindeing and Fraudulently intending him the Said James in this behalfe
Crafftily and Subtilly to deceive and Defraud the Said Sume of Seven hundred
and Seventy pounds of Tobacco or any Part thereof to the Said James or to any
other Person for his use hath not Paid allthough the Said Robert to doe the
Same by David Small Factor of the Said James afftarwards the Day and Place