Georges County in our Province of Maryland Gentleman Have Constituted
ordained and appointed and by these presents doe Constitute ordaine and
appoint you the said Thomas Greenfeild to be Sherriff of our said County of
Prince George and to have Receive and enjoy all such lawfull priviledges and
benefitts as any other Sherriff within our said Province now hath or ever law-
fully had To have and to hold the said Office of Sherriff unto you the said
Thomas Greenfeild during our Pleasure you the said Thomas Greenfeild
having first taken the Oath appointed by Act of Parliament instead of the
Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, as also the Oath of Sherriff, subscribing
the Test and giving bond for the due execution of the said office of Sherriff
according to Law; and we doe further order that the Dedimus Potestatem and
Posse Comitatus to you directed be and remaine in full force and virtue during
the continuance of this Commission Witness our trusty and well beloved Francis
Nicholson Esq. Captain Generall and Governor in Cheif in and over our
Province and Territory of Maryland the two and Twentieth Day of Aprill in
the Eight year of our Raigne etc. Annoque Domini 1696:
Francis Nicholson
William the Third by the grace of God of England Scotland France and
Ireland King Defender of the faith etc. To all to whom these presents shall come
Greeting Know ye That we have Comitted to our Trusty and well beloved
Thomas Greenfeild of Prince Georges County Gentleman our said County
with the appurtenances to be by him kept during our Pleasure so as he render
unto us as yearly our firm dues and answer unto us our just Rights and for
all other things belonging to the Office of high Sherriff of our said County
Witness our Trusty and well beloved Francis Nicholson Esq. our Captain
Generall and Governor in Cheife in and ov[er] of our Province and Territory
of Maryland the two and Twentieth day of Aprill in the Eight yeare of our
Raign etc. Annoque Domini 1696:
Francis Nicholson
[5] William the Third by the grace of God of England Scotland France a[nd]
Ireland King Defender of the faith etc. To all Gentlemen Freemen and other
persons of Prince Georges County Greeting Whereas We have Committed to
our well beloved Thomas Greenfeild Gentleman our said County with the
appurtenances to be by him kept during our Pleasure. We therefore Coman[d]
you and every of you the Gentlemen Freemen and other the Inhabitants of
o[ur] said County to be aiding and assisting to the said Thomas Greenfeild as
high Sherriff of our said County in all things that to the Office of high Sheri[ff]
of our said County doe appertaine Witness our Trusty and well beloved Francis
Nicholson Esq. Captain Generall and Governor in Cheife in and over [our]
Province and Territory of Maryland the two and Twentith day of Ap[rill] in
the Eight yeare of our Raign etc. Annoque Domini 1696:
Francis Nicholson
Maryland Ss:
To the Worshipfull the Justices of Prince George County:
Whereas an Act of Assembly made at the Port of Annapolis the Eight day of
May last past Intituled an Act for the Devision and regulating severall Counties
within this Province and Constituting a County by the name of Prince Georges