forse and Injury when etc. and Saith that the Said John Bennett did not
assume upon himselfe in manner and forme as in the declaration aforesaid is
Supposed against him and of this he putteth himselfe upon the Country.
Thomas Hughes
And the plantiffe also. Joshua Cecell.
Therefore Command is given to the Sheriffe of Prince Georges County that
without delay hee Cause to Come here twelve good and Lawfull men of his
balywicke to trye the Issue Joyned between John Huggins plantiffe and John
Bennett Defendant by whome etc. and who neither etc. to Recognize etc. because
as well etc.
And now here att this day (to witt) the fourth Tuesday in August aforesaid
Came here as well the Said John Huggins as the Said John Bennett by their
Attorrnys aforesaid and the Jurors thereon Impanelled being Called Likewise
Came, (viz.)
Thomas Hillory, foreman, Robert "Wade, Benjamin Berry, Thomas Plumer,
Thomas Bridges, George Jones, Charles Beall, John Allum, Thomas Vaughne,
Nathaniell Brothers, Phillip Willesey, William Jones.
Which Said Jurors aforesaid haveing heard Debated the premises aforesaid
went out to Considder on the Same and after Some Small time Returned and
the plantiffe being Called neither hee nor his attorney did not Appeare. But the
Court Demanded of the Jurors aforesaid to Deliver in their verdict.
Who to Speake the truth in the premises being Elected tryed and Sworne
upon their oaths doe Say that the Said John Bennett doth not owe to the Said
John Huggins the Said one thowsand pounds of tobaccoe as the Said John
Bennett above in his plea aforesaid hath Alledged. Therefore itt is Considered
that the Said John Huggins take nothing by his Said writt but bee in mercy
for his false Clamour etc. and that the Said John Bennett goe there of without
day etc. It is Likewise Considered that the Said John Bennett Recover
against the Said John Huggins his damages by occation of the premises to
pounds of tobaccoe to the Said John Bennett by the discretion of the Justices here
att his Request for his Cost and Charges in this behalfe Sustained According to
the Forme of the Stattute etc. by the Court here Adjudged etc.
The aforesaid Action was transmitted out of the Records of Calvert County
as by an order of Councill upon the devision of the County more att Large
Appeareth etc.
[31] This Following Action was transmitted out of the Records of Calvert
County Court as by an Order of Councill upon the devision of the Countys
Relation being thereunto had more at Large Appeareth.
Richard Keene plantiffe: Ninian Beall Defendant.
Calvert County Ss: Ninian Beall late of Calvert County gentleman was
atteched to answer unto Richard Keene of a plea of trespass upon the Case etc.
And Whereupon the Said Richard Keen by Samuel Watkins his attorney
Complayneth that whereas the Said Ninian Beall the 22d day of November
Annoque Domini 1694 att Calvert Towne within the Jurisdiction of this Court
Stood Justly Indebted unto him the Said Richard Keene in the Sume of two
thowsand Seaven hundred Seaventy and Seaven pounds of tobaccoe and the Said
Ninian did the day yeare and place aforesaid Deliver unto the Said Richard