Otho Holland plantiffe: Richard Burke Defendant
Prince Georges County Ss. Richard Burke late of Prince Georges County
Taylor otherwise Called Richard Burke planter of Tallbot County in the province
of Maryland was [238] Summoned to Answer unto Otho Holland of a plea
that he Render unto him the full quantity of one thowsand one hundred and
thirty pounds of good Sound Marchantable Leafe tobaccoe to be paid in Caske
which to him he oweth and unjustly Deteyneth etc.
And Whereupon the Said Otho by John Meriton his Attorney Saith that
whereas the Said Richard the Eleventh day of June in the yeare of our Lord 1690
at Talbot County that is to Say at Charles Towne within the Jurisdiction of this
Court by his Certaine bill Obligatory which the Said Otho with the Scale of the
Said Richard Signed bringeth here into Court the date whereof is the day and
yeare aforesaid the Said Richard by the Said bill Obligatory did bind himselfe
his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes to pay or Cause to be paid unto
the Said Otho Holland Inholder of Annarrundell County in the aforesaid prov-
ince his heires Executors Administrators or Assignes the full quantity of one
thowsand one hundred and thirty pounds of good Sound Marchantable Leafe
tobaccoe to the paid in Caske Convenient According to the Act of Assembly at
or upon the tenth day of October next Ensueing the date of the Said bill Obliga-
tory Notwithstanding which the Said Richard the Said Sume of 1130 lbs. of
tobaccoe in Caske According to the tennor of the Said bill Obligatory to him the
Said Otho Although often thereunto Required hath not Rendered but the Same
to Render unto the Said Otho hath hitherto denyed and Still doth denye to the
Damage of the Said Otho of 2000 pounds of tobaccoe and thereupon he brings this
Suite etc.
Pledges etc. John Doe, Richard Roe. John Meriton.
The plantife by his Attorney aforesaid haveing Issued out two writts against
the Defendant boath which Said writts was by the Sheriffe Returned that the
Said Defendant was not to be found in his balywick and alsoe have Caused
a Coppy of the Decleration to be Left at the house where the Defendant Last
Lived in this County Likewise it is testified here in Court that the Said Richard
Burke hath Elloined himselfe out of the Jurisdiction of this Court. Whereupon
the Said Otho Holland by his Attorney aforesaid prayeth an Attachment against
the goods Chatties and Creditts of the Said Richard Burke as well for the Said
Sume of Eleven hundred and thirty pounds of tobaccoe his debt Aforesaid as
Alsoe the Sume of four hundred forty and two pounds of tobaccoe for his Costs
and Charges in this behalfe Laid out and Expended etc. And by the Court here
it is granted unto him etc.
Murfy Ward desiers this deed of guift may be Recorded for the use of his Sonn
Murfy Ward (Viz.) the Said Murfy Ward giveth unto his Sonn Murfy Ward
three Cowes one Called Browney another Called Blacke the other Called Nancey
with the three Cow Calves now by their Sides and alsoe a heiffer Called Nanceys
heiffer with all their feemale Increase unto the Said Murfy Ward for Evar.
Ninian Beall plantiffe: Hugh Ryley Defendant
Prince Georges County Ss. Hugh Riley late of Prince Georges County other-
wise Called Hugh Riley of Calvert County in the province of Maryland was
Sumoned to Answer unto Ninian Beall of the Same County of a plea that he
render unto him the full and Just Sume of three thowsand two hundred pounds