AUGUST, 1697 COURT 233
his Said Master for twenty two dayes Runaway time at tenn dayes for Every one
of the Said twenty two Runaway dayes which Comes to two hundred and twenty
dayes According to Act of Assembly in that Case made and provided etc.
To Col. Thomas Hollyday Judge of the County Court of Prince Georges County
and the Rest of their Worshipps in Court Sitting.
The Humble petition of Mary Day late of the abovesaid County. Humbly
Whereas your poore petitioner Some years past through Providence was un-
fortunately Shot into the head by a Gunn So that She Lay Just at the point of
Death but in Sometime after this Accident Hugh Ryley Convenants with your Said
Petitioner that in Case She would Serve him for trie full Space and terme of four
yeares he the Said Hugh would undertake and Engage with your Petitioner to
have her head perfectly Cured which Accordingly he hath dome and performed
And Although your Petitioner hath [212] Served him the Said Hugh duly
and truly the full term and Space abovesaid and four months Over her Just
time Yet the Said Hugh Refuses to Afford or Allow your Petitioner any Reason-
able Sattisfaction for the Same. Your Petitioner Humbly Craves your Worships
Serious Consideration in the premises that the Said Hugh may Allow your
Petitioner Some Reasonable Sattisfaction for her over plus time of Servis And
Alsoe Allow to her her Reasonable Costs and your Petitioner as in duty bound
Shall ever pray.
The above Petitioner and Hugh Ryley being boath of them by the Court heard
Conserning the premises. It is ordered by the Court here that the above petition
be Quasht and Stand for nought.
John Sherdemitt Desiers his marke may be Recorded (Viz.) A Cropp under
bitt and over bitt on Each Eare.
James Brooke desiers his marke may be Recorded (Viz.) a Cropp and under
Square on each Eare.
James Brooke desiers that Roger Brookes marke may be Recorded (Viz.) a
Cropp and Slitt in the Right Eare and a Cropp and under Square on the Left
The Court Adjournes untill to morrow morning Seaven a Clock.
Present. Mr. Thomas Hollyday, Mr. Robert Tylor, Mr. John Smith, Mr.
Samuell Magruder, Mr. Thomas Sprigg, Commisoners.
Allexander Chappie plantiffe: John Deakins Defendant
Prince Georges County Ss. John Deekins otherwise Called John Deekins of
this County Carpenter was Sumoned to Answer unto Allexander Chappie of
Annarundell County Chirurgion of a plea that he Render unto him the Just
quantity of one thowsand pounds of good Merchantable tobacco in Caske which
to him he oweth and unjustly Deteyneth etc. [Vide the Judgment in folio 283.]
And whereupon the Said Allexander Chappell by John Meriton his Attorney
Complayneth that whereas the Said John Deekins the tenth day of October
Annoque Domini 1696 Stood Justly Indebted unto the Said Allexander by his
Certaine bill or writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Scale of him the Said John
and here in Court produced whose date is the day and yeare aforesaid Did bind
himselfe his heires Executors and Administrators to pay to Allexander Chappell
of Annarundell County Chirurgion or to his Certaine Attorney his heires Execu-