JUNE, 1697 COURT 183
Keniston may be Compeled by this Worshipfull bench that he Complyes with
the above said Law and your poore petitioner as in Duty bound Shall for Ever
pray etc. The above petition by the Court Allowed off and by the Court ordered
that a venire facias Issue forth against the Said Thomas Keniston that he Appeare
here the next Court to Answer unto the above petitioners Complaint etc.
The Deposition of Hugh Furguson Aged twenty four yeares deposeth and
Saith that Teague Tracey gave him a noate upon Francis Walner for four hun-
dred pounds of tobaccoe the Said Francis Walner Assumed to pay him when able
this being all he hath to Say only never paid him by the Said Francis Walner.
The above Deposition tooke in open Court and at the Request of Teague
Tracy ordered to be Recorded in the Records of Prince Georges County.
Then Did the Court Adjourne for two howes.
Present. Mr. Thomas Hollyday, Mr. William Barton, Mr. John Wighte, Mr.
Robert Tylor, Mr. David Small, Mr. William Tanyhill, Comisoners.
Jane Browne Servant Woman to Christopher Thompson was by vertue of a
writt of Venire facias brought here into Court in the Custody of the Sheriffe to
Answer unto what Should bee Objected against her on his Majesties behalfe for
beareing of a basterd Child and Mr. Bladen the Clerk of the peace Said and
Insisted that the fault was [not] Locall because it did Appeare to the Court that
the Child was not gott in this Contry Whereupon the Said Janes Submision was
Christopher Browne Sonn to the above named Jane Browne being the above
base borne Child with the Consent of the mother is bund unto Christopher
Thompson untill he Arrives to 21. yeares of Age the Said Christopher Thompson
promising to learne the Said Child to Reade and at the Expiration of the Said
twenty one yeares to give the Said Child two Suites of Cloaths the one to be Kersy
the other to be Serge.
Command is given to the Sheriffe of Prince Georges County that he Cause to
Come here the grand Inquest by him Sumoned and that he Returne a pannell of
the Same which Said pannell being Returned and the Jurors thereon Impanelled
being Called Came (Viz.)
Edward Brock, foreman, John Hawkins, Steven Onbee, William Conley, John
Forrest, Robert Biggs, John Rigden, John Henry, John Soper, Timothy Ma-
hany, Thomas Vaughne, Archable Edmonson [165] John Sprigg, Francis
Prisely, Daniell Elliot, Charles Hyatt, Paul Busey, Thomas Plumer, John
Barrett, Robert Anderson. Sumoned per Thomas Greenfeild Sheriffe.
Which Said grand Jury haveing all of them taken the oath of grand Jury men
went out to Consider of Such matters as Should Come before them and after
Some Small time Returned with these presentments following (Viz.)
I Joseph Greere Constable of Mattapony hundred doe by Information present
Mr. William Bartons Servant Maide for basterdizing. Joseph Greere. On the
Said presentment was Endorsed, presentment found by us the grand Jury of
Prince Georges County.
Mr. David Small Informes that the Estate of William Shaw hath been imployed
and that Mr. Thomas Hollyday hath Received to the Valew of two hogsheads