MARCH, 1696/7 COURT 165
your Record faire I doubt not but you will doe me the Justice to Lett the Country
knowe it and my self Alsoe by a Line or two directed to. Gentlemen your humble
Thomas Laurence.
March the 23d 1696/7.
May it Please you Honor.
In Obedience to a Letter of your Honors of the 13th December past Directed
to us the Subscribers Justices for Prince Georges Requesting us to Cause the
Records of this County to bee Inspected whether they be perfect or not.
Wee doe humbly Represent to your honor that Mr. William Cooper our Late
Clerke being greivously Afflicted by a Long and tedious Sickness was Rendered
uncapable of perfecting the Records in his Lifetime and alsoe that Since his
Decease Joshua Cecell our present Clerke hath alsoe been Afflicted with Sickness
where by he hath not had time fully to perfect the Said Records but upon the
Receipt of your honors [147] Letter wee have made an order that by June
Court the Said Cecell doe fully Compleate and perfect the Said Records which
wee humbly Conceive and hope will be don[e] this with due Respects to your
Honors is what Offers Att present from your Honors most humble and Obedient
Thomas Hollyday, William Barton, John Wighte, Robert Bradly, Robert
The before mentioned two Letters by the Court was ordered to be Recorded.
To his Excellency Francis Nichollson Esq. his Majesties Captain Generall and
Governour in Cheife in and over the province of Maryland and teritories there-
unto belonging and Vice Admirall of the Same etc.
The humble Address of the Commisioners of Prince Georges County and other
persons Conserned in trade etc. May it please you Excellency:
Sir: Since your Soe Fervent Zeale to his Majesties Sends and Intrest of his
Kingdom of England in the Carrying one and promoteing the trade of this
province Doe depend thereon hath been Soe highly manifested by your most
indefatijable Care and Study for the Advancement of the trade thereof more
Evidently Appeared to us by a Late transcript of Some of the Minitts of your
Excellency and his Majesties honorable Councill transmitted to this County
Court Wee Conceive that without the highest of Ingratitude Wee Cannot omitt
but to Render your Excellency our most hearty and Obligatory thanks for Such
your Care Laborate dilligence and greate Affection testified therein and humbly
presume to Acquaint You how highly thereby wee are Oblidged to your Excel-
lency therefore Assureing your Excellency that for Such Appareant benefitt
thereby Accrueing to us Wee Shall be allwayes Ready to testifie how much wee
are by Soe high an Obligation Your Excellency most Dutifull Affectionate and
Obedient humble Servants.
Comisioners. Thomas Hollyday, William Barton, John Wighte, Robert Bradly,
Robert Tylor. Traders. William Stone, William Bladen, John Meriton, Josias
Towgood, Joshua Cecell.
The before written Address by order of Court was ordered to be Recorded.
Command is given to the Sheriffe of Prince Georges County that he Cause to
Come here the grand Inquest by him Summoned and that he Returne a pannell