[1] William the Third by the grace of God of England Scotland] France and
Ireland King defender of the Faith etc. To Thoma[s] Holliday, William
Hutchison, William Barton, John White, Robert Bradley, William Tannyhill,
David Small and Robe[rt] Tyler of Prince Georges County Gentlemen Greeting
Know yee That wee for the great Trust and Confidence We have in you[r]
fidelities Circumspections Prudences and Wisdoms Have C[onsti]tuted ordained
and appointed and by these presents Doe [Constitute ordaine and appoint you
the Said Thomas Holliday, William Hutchison, William Barton, John White,
Robert [Bradley], William Tannyhill, David Small and Robert Tyler Com-
mission[ers] joyntly and severally to keep the Peace in Prince Georges Coun[ty]
and to keep and cause to be kept All Laws and orders1 for the go[od] and Con-
servation of the Peace and for the quiet Rule and Government] of the People in
all and every article of the same, and to Chastiz[e] and punish 2 offending against
the forme of any of the Laws of [this] our Province or any of them in Prince
Georges County aforesaid a[s] according to the form and orders of those Laws shall
be fitt to [be] done: We have also Constituted and ordained you and every Four
or more of you of which the said Thomas Holliday, William Hutchis[on], Wil-
liam Barton and John White or one of you are alwaies to [be] one of the 3
Commissioners to enquire by the oaths of good and lawfull men of your County
aforesaid of all and all manner [of] Fellonies, witchcrafts, Inchantments,
Sorceries, Magick Art, Trespasses], Forestallings, Ingrossings and Extortions
whatsoever, and of [all] singular other misdeeds and offences (excepting matters
related to Titles of Land) of which Justices of the Peace in England may or
ought lawfully to enquire by whomsoever or whensoever] [2] done or per-
petrated or which hereafter shall be done or perpetrated in the County aforesaid
against the Laws and Orders of this our Province Provided that you proceed not
in any the Cases aforesaid to take life or members, but that in every such Case
you send the Prisoners with their Indictments and the whole matter depending
before you to the next Provintiall Court to be holden for This our Province
wheresoever or whensoever to be holden there to be tryed. And further we doe
authorize and impower you to issue out writts process and attachments to hold
plea of Oyer and Terminer in all personall actions not exceeding the Summe of
Ten Thousand pounds of Tobacco and after Judgment Execution to award in all
Causes Civil whether Reall or personall according to the Laws orders and
reasonable Customs made and provided in this our Province of Maryland. In
which Causes Civil so to be tryed (excepting so as before excepted) We doe
1 The word "made" has probably been omitted in copying.
2 The words "all persons" have probably been omitted in copying.
3 For "of the" read "our".