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Bland's Reports, Chancery Court 1809-1832
Volume 201, Page 462   View pdf image (33K)
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Jones, states to have remained in his hands after paying and satis-
fying the debt, damages, costs, and charges due upon the said
fieri facias, and the taxes and fees due to him the said Edward
Brown as late sheriff and collector of Kent county. The said sum
of money being part of the real estate of the said Jesse Jones
deceased. The Chancellor will distribute and dispose of the same
as he shall deem equitable and proper."

Upon all which this case was again brought before the court and
submitted without argument.

9th June, 1828.—BLAND, Chancellor.—Decreed, that in obedi-
ence to the order of the Court of Appeals for the Eastern Shore
of Maryland, filed in this case on the sixth instant, the said sum
of $1451 38, mentioned in the bill of complaint, be paid by the
said Edward Brown to John B. Eccleston, the trustee herein after
named; which money having been declared by the said order to be
a part of the real estate of Jesse Jones deceased, when received by
the said trustee he shall bring into this court to be applied under
the Chancellor's direction, after deducting the costs of this suit,
and such commission to the trustee as the Chancellor shall think
proper to allow in consideration of the skill, attention, and fidelity
wherewith he shall appear to have discharged his trust; that
before the said trustee shall be entitled to receive the said sum of
money, he shall file with the register of this court the bond herein
after mentioned; that provided the said sum of money shall be
paid by the said Edward Brown on or before the first day of January
next, no interest thereon shall be demanded; but if not then paid
he shall from that time be required to pay interest on the same.

It is further decreed, that the lands in the proceedings mentioned
be sold, that John B. Eccleston be appointed trustee to make the
sale, &c. &c.; and that the trustee at the time of advertising the
said property for sale, give notice to the creditors of the said Jesse
Jones to file the vouchers of their claims in the chancery office,
within four months from the day of sale.

After which the trustee made sale of the real estate, which was
ratified on the 13th of April 1829, and having received the surplus
from the defendant Brown, and given notice to the creditors, who
came in; the whole estate was finally distributed; after allowing
to the two widows each a portion of the proceeds of the sale of
the realty sold by the trustee in lieu of their dower.


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Bland's Reports, Chancery Court 1809-1832
Volume 201, Page 462   View pdf image (33K)
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