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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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The infant heirs at law of Hutton, answered by their guardian,
ad Utem, that they knew nothing of the matters charged in the
bill, and did not admit the truth thereof. The negroes not
having answered, a decree, pro confesso, as to them, was passed,
and a commission issued to take testimony, under which the
allegations of the bill were fully proved.
An order was then passed, directing the defendants to account
with the plaintiffs of, and concerning the real and personal es-
tate of the said Hutton, deceased, referring the cause to the
Auditor to state such account, and to make a statement of the
debts of the said Hutton, upon due notice to the creditors to
file their claims. In obedience to this order, the Auditor, on
the 6th of December, 1841, filed his report and statement of
claims, by which it appeared, that the debts due by the deceased
amounted to $9421 79, that no account of his personal estate i
was rendered by the administrator, it appearing from the testi-
mony that none came to his hands, the whole having been ab-
sorbed by executions binding thereupon.
The Chancellor, [Bland,) thereupon, on the 21st of Decem-
ber, 1841, passed a decree, by which it was "adjudged, ordered
and decreed, that the Auditor's statement, lately reported in
this cause, be, and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed,
and that the defendants, Jim Sharp, Jim Ennis, Nancy, George,
Minta, Lloyd, Samuel, Admirilla, William and Wilson, together
with the increase, if any, of the said Nancy, Minta and Admi-
rilla, be sold for the purpose of satisfying the claims of the
complainants as aforesaid." The decree then appoints a trustee
to make the "sale of the said negroes for life," upon giving the
usual notice. The terms of sale being for cash, or on a credit
upon such terms as may be deemed by the trustee most advan-
tageous for all concerned, the sale to be made publicly or pri-
vately, as the trustee may deem most advisable.
Under this decree the negroes were sold, and the sale was
confirmed by the Chancellor.
A. RANDALL and THOS. S. ALEXANDER, for the Complainants.
N. BREWER and J. JOHNSON, for Defendants.

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 4, Page 540   View pdf image (33K)
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