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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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Bank of Maryland, to secure the payment of the sum of
$4,125, borrowed of the Bank on their joint note, endorsed by
William O'Hara and Joseph N. Stockett, the money being
borrowed for and applied to the payment of the said land.
And it is further shown and admitted, that Galen and Henry
Purdy have paid the whole of their share of the debt due the
Bank, and that the balance still due being about $228, is to
be paid by Thomas Purdy and John Purdy, though the Bank
holds all the parties to the note and the entire mortgaged pre-
mises responsible for such balance. It is also shown that in
the year 1845, these parties, Thomas, John, Henry, and Galen
Purdy, appointed by parol, two persons, to make a division
between them of a parcel of land inherited from their father,
John Purdy, and of that purchased from Stockett and wife,
and that in pursuance of such appointment, they did, in that
year, make a division, causing the lands to be surveyed and a
plot and certificate made by the County Surveyor, designating
one portion as lot No. 1, and the other as lot No. 2. That it
was then agreed between the parties, that Henry and Galen
Purdy should occupy one side of the division line marked by
the parties selected for the purpose, and that John and Tho-
mas Purdy should occupy the other aide. That lot No. 1, which
was to be taken by Henry and Galen Purdy, embraced all the
land which descended to the parties from their father, John
Purdy, except about twenty acres, and also of from eight to twelve
acres of the land purchased from Stockett and wife. And
that lot No. 2, which was to be taken by John. Purdy and
Thomas Purdy, included the entire residue of said two parcels
of land. And it was in proof, that the said parties occupied
and cultivated the said property separately, according to said
division, in the year 1845, and that no attempt was ever made
to disturb the same during the lives of Henry and Galen, who
died in October, 1850, Galen having survived Henry a few
weeks only.
The question presented now is, whether the widow of Galen,
under this. state of facts, is entitled to dower in that portion of
the land purchased of Stockett and wife, which ia comprehended
Vol. III.—86

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 549   View pdf image (33K)
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