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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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prior to the marriage, and then after the marriage, but prior
to the Act of 1818, ch. 193, he mortgaged his equity of re-
demption, which was sold under a decree obtained by the
mortgagees in the year 1823, and it was against these claiming
under the purchasers at that sale, that the widow claimed her
dower. The Court, in that case, lay much stress upon the
fact that the husband had mortgaged his equity of redemption
prior to the passage of the Act of 1818, ch. 193, which is the
origin in this State of the title of widows to dower in lands
held by equitable title in the husband, and it might possibly
be fairly inferred from the language of the Court, that the
widow's claim would have been successful, if the date of the
mortgage of the equity of redemption had been posterior to
the passage of the Act of Assembly. But from the subsequent
case of Miller vs. Stump, S Gill, 304, it would appear that if
the husband transfers his equitable estate at any time during
his life, the widow will be deprived of her dower; the Court in
this last case saying, " The Act of Assembly does not say, and
it ought not to be construed to mean, that the widow shall be
entitled to dower in lands held by equitable title in the hus-
band at any time during the coverture."
The conclusion from these two cases is, that a widow is not
entitled to dower in an equitable estate held by the husband
during the coverture, unless he also dies the owner of such
estate, and that if during the marriage, he parts with it, though
without the concurrence of his wife. she will be deprived of her
claim to dower, if she survive him.
In this case the question "is, whether the complainant, who
is the widow of Galen Purdy, is entitled to dower in a parcel
of land purchased of Joseph N. Stockett and wife, and con-
veyed by them to Thomas and Henry. Purdy, on the 11th of
September, 1839 ? The proceedings show that this piece of
land was purchased of Stockett and wife, by Thomas Purdy,
John Purdy, Henry Purdy, and Galen Purdy, though the title
was conveyed to Thomas and Henry. And that on the day of
the date of said conveyance, these last-named parties con-
veyed the same land, by way of mortgage, to the Farmers'

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 548   View pdf image (33K)
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