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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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the sum or value of $20,000, or one equal child's part of said
property. And the persons so selected being duly qualified,
and having ascertained, by an examination of the trust pro-
perty, that one equal child's share considerably exceeded
$20,000, proceeded to set apart so much of said property, real
and personal, as amounted to that sum or value, less $30 41,
which they directed should be paid by the legal representatives
of Ann Donnell, in cash; and did, on the 7th of June, 1842,
accordingly set apart said property, to be held by said trustee
Howard, for the sole and" separate use of said complainant
Mary, in conformity with the provisions of said marriage set-
This allotment, thus made by the persons so selected, was
affirmed and ratified by the complainants and defendant, Don-
nell, as appears by a writing to that effect signed by them,
which, though not dated, is admitted to have been signed on
the same day. And by a declaration, dated the 14th of July,
1843, under the hand and seal of Howard, the trustee, he
ratified and affirmed said allotment, and declared that he held
said property for the use of the complainant Mary, according
to the provisions of the said marriage settlement of her mother,
Mrs. Donnell.
The bill in this case was filed on the 8th of June, 1849, and
of the subjects of claim presented by it, all are, by the agree-
ment before-mentioned, abandoned, except the claim for interest
on the $20,000, or a proportion of rents and profits from the
25th of April, 1839, the day of the death of Mrs. Donnell, to
the 9th of June, 1842, when the property was set apart, and
from which period the complainants have been in the enjoy-
ment of it, and, consequently, the first and most material
question is whether, under the circumstances of this case, the
claim, in either aspect of it, can be supported ?
It may, I think, be very fairly inferred, that at the time this
portion of the trust property of Mrs. Donnell was set apart
and segregated from the rest of the estate, it was the impres-
sion of the defendants, Donnell and Howard, that the entire
claim of the complainant in reference to this property was

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 531   View pdf image (33K)
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