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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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should occupy and enjoy the whole of his estate, to be applied
to the proper maintenance of his family, and the liberal educa-
tion of his said daughter.
And it has been admitted by the parties to this suit, that
from the death of Mrs. Donnell (formerly Mrs. Williams), on
the 25th of April, 1889, to the 17th of March, 1840, when
the complainant Mary attained the age of eighteen, the
defendant Donnell received the income of the entire pro-
perty left by said Edward G. Williams to his wife Ann, and his
said daughter, and also of the property which the said Ann
had acquired otherwise, said income amounting annually to
about $4,500; and that said Donnell applied the same to his
own use, except that therefrom during said period, he supported
and educated the said Mary at an expense of about $1,500
per annum.
It was also admitted that from the said 17th of March, 1840,
until the 9th of June, 1842, when the sum of $20,000 was set
apart for the said Mary, said Donnell received and* applied to
his own use, the income arising on the moiety, or those which
the said Ann acquired under the will of her first husband,
Williams, and on the other property of said Ann, amounting
annually to about $2,000. That the moiety or share which
said Ann acquired under the will of her first husband, was of
the value of about $55,000, of which about $22,500 was un-
productive, and that the residue of the property of said Ann
was of the value of about $18,000.; The complainant Mary,
having attained the age of eighteen on the 17th of March,
1840, intermarried with the other complainant, John Campbell
White, in July following; and it appears by various Exhibits
filed in the cause, that the trust originally conferred upon the
defendant Howard, has been transferred to said John Campbell
White, by deed dated the 23d of August, 1848.
It further appears, that on the 5th of July, 1841, the original
trustee, Howard, Mary S. White, John Campbell White, and
the defendant Donnell, in pursuance of the before-mentioned
marriage articles, selected three persons, to set apart, from
and out of the trust estate of the said Ann Donnell, deceased,

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Reports of Cases in the High Court of Chancery of Maryland 1846-1854
Volume 200, Volume 3, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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