the importance to the legal profession of the
State of the Decisions of the High Court of Chan-
cery, made by the present able and distinguished
Chancellor, induced the undersigned to undertake
the publication of all the more important cases,
decided since the 21st of December, 1846, (the
date of the present Chancellor's appointment) un-
til the time when the Court shall cease to exist, un-
der the provisions of the New Constitution.
The reports contained in the first volume of the
"Maryland Chancery Decisions," were first pub-
lished by the undersigned, in a newspaper at An-
napolis, afterwards revised by the Chancellor, and
republished by an arrangement made with the
printer of this work, in a handsome volume, which
has since been transferred to the undersigned, who
is now the sole publisher of the entire work.
The reports contained in the present or second
volume of "Maryland Chancery Decisions," ap-
peared in the "Maryland Law Reporter," pub-
lished by the undersigned, and have been submit-
ted to the supervision of the Chancellor, by whom
the whole work has been examined and approved.