No. 12.
In reference to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Be it resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland,
Directed to
That the Attorney General be, and he is hereby
directed, to proceed at once to enforce by legal pro-
cess, the payment to the State, out of the net profits
of the Washington Branch Railroad for the six
months, ending September 30th, 1875, the State's
proportionate dividend upon the shares of stock of
said road held by the State, as well as all other divi-
dends that should properly have been made, and
paid over to the State upon its said stock at any
time, whether semi-annually or tri-annually, as the
same may have been from time to time required to
be paid to the stockholders of said Washington
Branch, by section five, of chapter three hundred
and thirty, of the Acts of Assembly, passed at Janu-
ary session, eighteen hundred and thirty-one.
No. 13.
WHEREAS, By an act of the General Assembly,
passed at December session, eighteen hundred and
twenty-six, chapter one hundred and twenty-three,
the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company was
incorporated for the purposes and with the powers
therein named, more especially in section four-
teen, of said act, and section eighteen of the
same; and
WHEREAS, By section two of said act, it is declared
that the said company "shall be capable in law of
purchasing, holding, selling, leasing and convey-
ing estates, real, personal and mixed, so far. as