and thirty-six, become the owner, by purchase, of
the fifteen thousand shares of stock subscribed by
the Cities of Washington, Georgetown and Alex-
andria, thus being the first to encourage a work
of great magnitude and utility, by owning two
millions and five hundred thousand dollars worth
of its stock, besides expending large sums of
money in explorations, maps and surveys, and
publishing the same with words of encouragement
as to the probable success and profits of the in-
vestments in said work; and
WHEREAS, By reason of such liberal subscription on
the part of the United States and the encouraging
estimates of cost by its engineers, and the reports
of prospective profits made and published by the
same induced a large number of private parties,
together with the States of Virginia and Maryland
to make investments therein, so that the State of
Maryland has contributed to the construction of
this work up to September thirtieth, eighteen hun-
dred and seventy-five, the large sum of twenty
million nine hundred and forty-one thousand and
seven hundred and forty-eight dollars and twenty-
eight cents; which latter sum the State cannot
increase in further aid of the work by reason of
constitutional prohibitions; and
WHEREAS, The increasing trade and demand for
Cumberland coal leads to the belief among pru-
dent and farseeing men, that an extension of this
work to the center of the coal basin, by the im-
provement of the navigation of the Upper Poto-
mac, would not only repay the investment, but
render all investments already made in the Ches-
apeake and Ohio Canal productive and profitable;.