SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That at least
When ex-;
three-fourths of all sums of money to be expended
in each district of said county, in the repairs of roads
in any of said districts, shall be expended between
the first day of April and the first day of October in
each and every year.
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the supervisor in
each election district be directed to put up and
and finger-
maintain suitable guide-posts and 'finger-boards at
cross-roads, and where roads enter or diverge from
each other, designating the most prominent places
and distances to which said roads lead; any person
defacing such posts and finger-boards, shall be liable
to a fine of not less than two nor more than five dol-
Penalty for
lars for each offence, said fine to be imposed by any
justice of the peace, for the use and in the name of
the County Commissioners of Baltimore county.
Approved April 8, 1876.