tricts; in the eight district, two dollars per day, not
to exceed three hundred dollars for the district; in
the fourth district, two dollars per day not to
exceed three hundred dollars; in. the second, fifth,
sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh districts, two dol-
lars per day, not to exceed two hundred dollars for
either districts; which shall be paid out of the spe-
cial road fund of their respective districts; and they
are hereby authorized to incur any expen&e neces-
Authorized to
incur expense
sary for the proper work of the road or the duties of
their office, provided, the county commissioners ap-
prove; the building and repair of all bridges in Bal-
timore county shall be under the control of the
county commissioners, and whenever twenty or
more taxable inhabitants of Baltimore county shall
desire the building or rebuilding of any bridge, they
may make application to the county commissioners,
Make applica-
and the county commissioners shall issue a commis-
sion to three disinterested tax payers of said county,
directing them to meet on the premises named in
said application, at a stated time and examine and
Examine and
determine if the public convenience requires said
bridge, and the probable cost thereof, and they shall
report their opinion in writing to the county com-
missioners, and if the county commissioners shall be
of the opinion that such application ought to be
granted, they shall advertise in one or more news-
Give notice.
papers published in Baltimore county, setting forth
the place where such bridge is to be built, with full
specifications of the plan and materials, and that
sealed proposals for building said bridge will be re-
ceived until a day named in said advertisement; on
the day named in said advertisement, the proposals
Award con-
shall be opened and the contract awarded to the
lowest responsible bidder, who, in the opinion of the
county commissioners, shall be qualified to build said
bridge; the contractors shall give bond double the
Give bond.
amount of the contract, for the faithful performance
of said contract, and when said bridge shall be com-
pleted to the satisfaction of the county commission-
ers, they shall pay to the contractor the last instal-
ment due thereon and shall accept the bridge for the
use of the public.