purpose, and shall, on or before the first day of
April following, give notice that he or they will sell
Give notice.
or allot out the roads in sections and sub-sections to
the lowest responsible bidders, the work to be done
and kept in repair for one year, according to the
specification furnished by the supervisor; and the
sum or sums of money paid out, or intended to be
paid out, shall under no circumstances exceed the
sum»appropriated for the said roads by the county
commissioners; and said supervisors, in districts
where more than one is elected, shall choose one
amongst them to act as chairman.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said supervisor or
supervisors in each election district of said county,
Keep a record.
shall keep a record of all work and other transac-
tions relating to roads in his or their district, and
shall furnish to the said county commissioners, on
each and every occasion, when he or they shall ask
said board of county commissioners, or present a bill
to them for payment of money expended in his or
their district, a statement showing plainly and fully
Present state-
the contracts he or they have entered into, and the
amount of work done, and money due on said con-
tracts, the condition of the roads, and the probable
amount required to keep them in repair, also the
time and per diem from each supervisor, which ac-
count the county commissioners shall carefully
examine, and if approved, shall be examined by the
auditor, when, if approved, the county commission-
ers shall give to said supervisor an order on the
treasurer for the amount of said bill or bills, retain-
ing twenty per cent, till the contract is complete.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the supervisor or
supervisors in each district shall exercise a general
Exercise care.
supervisory care over all the county roads in his or
their election district, and report the condition of
the same to the county commissioners, and they
shall be required by said county commissioners to
make affidavit or affirmation, as the case may be,
either to the condition of the roads or to the cor-
rectness of his or their accounts.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
Keep a book.
sioners shall keep a book of record for each district