AND WHEREAS, by virtue of the power and au-
thority conferred upon him by said act, he did sell
to the said Mayor and City Council a certain portion
of said lot, being the front part thereof, at and for
the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, upon the
condition that the said Mayor and City Council
would erect, for the use of the State, a new Hay
Scale and house upon the part of the lot retained by
the State, which condition has been fully complied
AND WHEREAS the part of the lot so sold by the
Governor to the said Mayor and City Council, does
not prejudice the interest of the State of Maryland
in the use of so much of said lot as is or may become
necessary for the purpose for which the lot is now,
and has been occupied by the State, now therefore,
Authorized to
convey by
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Governor be and he is hereby
authorized and empowered and directed to convey
by deed, executed by him under the great Seal of
the State, to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, that portion of the State Hay Scales lot situ-
ated at the intersection of Fremont and Chatsworth
streets in the city of Baltimore, which he sold to
them by virtue of the power and authority vested in
him, by chapter three hundred and nine of the acts
of eighteen hundred and seventy-four, provided that
the deed shall not be delivered until the purchase
money agreed upon has been paid into the Treasury
of the State.
In force.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its approval by the Governor.
Approved February 1, 1876.