SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the persons named
in said certificate of the corporation, or any three of
Open books.
them, shall be authorized to order books to be opened
for receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of said
company, at such time or times, and at such place
or, places as they may deem expedient, after having
given at least thirty days' notice, in a newspaper pub-
lished or generally circulated in one or more coun-
ties where books of subscription are to be opened, of
the time and place of opening books; and so soon
as ten per centum on the capital stock shall be sub-
scribed, they may give like notice for the stockholders
to meet at such time and place as they may designate,
Choose direc-
for the purpose of choosing seven directors, who shall
continue in office until the time fixed for the annual
election, and until their successors are chosen and
qualified. At the time and place appointed, directors
shall be chosen by ballot, by such of the stockholders
as shall attend for that purpose, either in person or
Entitle to vote
by lawful proxies, each share shall entitle the owner
to one vote, and a plurality of votes shall be necessary
for a choice; but after the first election of directors,
no person shall vote on any share on which any in-
stallment is due and unpaid; the persons named in
such certificate or such of them as may be present,
Shall certify.
shall be inspectors of such election and shall certify
what persons are elected directors, and appoint the
time and place for holding their first meeting; a ma-
jority of said directors shall form a board, and be
Fill vacancies.
competent to fill vacancies in their board, make by-
laws, and transact all business of the corporation; a
new election shall be annually held for directors, at
such time and place as the stockholders at their first
meeting shall determine, or as the by-laws of the cor-
poration may require; and the directors chosen at
any election shall so soon thereafter as may be con-
Choose presi-
venient choose one of their number to be president,
and shall each take an oath or affirmation faithfully
to discharge his duties, and they shall from time to
time make such dividends of the profits of said com-
pany as they may think proper.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the said president
and directors, or their agent or agents, authorized
May agree.
by them, may agree with the owner or owners of