garded as personal property, shall be subject to exe-
cution at law, and to taxation as other personal
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That an installment of
five dollars, in actual cash, on each share of stock
—how paid.
shall be payable at the time of making the subscrip-
tion, and the residue thereof shall be paid in such
installments, and at such times and places, and to
such persons as may be required by the directors of
such company.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That if any installment
of stock shall remain unpaid for sixty days after the
time it may be required, whether such stock is held
by any assignee, transferree, or the original sub-
May be col-
scriber, the same may be collected by action of debt
or the directors may sell the stock so unpaid at pub-
lic auction for the installment then due thereon, first
giving thirty days' public notice of the time and place
Give public
of sale, in some newspaper in general circulation in
the county where such delinquent stockholders re-
side, at the time of making such subscription, or
becoming such assignee or transferree, or of his
actual residence at the time of said sale, or if such
stockholder reside out of the State, such publication
shall be made iii the county where the principal
office of the company is located, and if any residue
of money shall remain after paying the amount due
on said stock, the same shall on demand be paid over
to the owner; if the whole of said installment be not
paid by such sale, the remainder shall be recovera-
ble by an action of debt against the subscriber, as-
signee or transferree.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That whenever any rail-
road company, heretofore incorporated or created
and incorporated under the provisions of this act,
Increase capi-
tal stock.
shall, in the opinion of the directors thereof, require
an increased amount of capital stock, they shall, if
authorized by the holders of three-fourths of all of
the stock file, with the Comptroller of the State, a
certificate setting fourth the amount of such desired
increase, and thereafter such company shall be en-
titled to have such increased capital as is fixed by
said certificate.