AN ACT to repeal chapter four hundred and sev-
enty-six of the acts of eighteen hundred and sev-
enty, entitled "an act to provide for the creation
and regulation of incorporated companies in the
State of Maryland," and to enact a substitute
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That chapter four hundred and seventy-
six of the acts of eighteen hundred and seventy,
entitled "an act to provide for the creation and reg-
ulation of incorporated companies in the State of
Maryland," be and the same is hereby repealed and
the following enacted in lieu thereof:
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any number of
natural persons, not less than five, three of whom
Not less than
shall be citizens of Maryland, may become a body
corporate, with all the rights, privileges and powers
conferred by and subject to all the restrictions of
this act.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That any number of
persons as aforesaid, associating to form a company
for the purpose of constructing or operating a rail-
road shall under their hands and seals make a cer-
Make certifi-
tificate which shall specify as follows: first, the
name assumed by such company and by which it
shall be known; second, the name of the places of
the termini of said road, and the county or counties,
city or cities through which such road shall pass;
third, the amount of capital stock necessary to con-
struct such road; such certificate shall be acknowl-
edged before a justice of the peace and certified by
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of any county through
which the road passes, and when said certificate is
executed, it shall be the duty of the persons execut-
ing the same to submit it to one of the Judges of the
Judicial Circuit within which the county where it
was acknowleged may lie, or to one of the Judges
of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, if acknowl-
eged in said city, in order that the said judge may