SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That upon the comple-
tion of the said bridge, the said county commission-
Toll bridge.
ers shall keep the same as a toll-bridge, with proper
gates and bars to secure the same, and it shall be
lawful for them to ask, demand and receive, for the
purpose of keeping said bridge in good repair and
Rates of toll.
condition, the following tolls and rates, not exceed-
ing the following, that is to say; for a foot passen-
ger, five cents; for a man and horse, ten cents; for
every cart or wagon, with two horses, mules or oxen,
twenty cents; for every cart or wagon with four
horses, mules or oxen, thirty cents; for every plea-
sure carriage or sleigh, with one horse, fifteen cents;
with two horses, twenty cents; with four horses,
thirty cents; for each head of horses, mules or cattle,
ten cents; and for each head of swine or sheep, five
cents; and the said bridge, and the landing therefor,
Subject to.
is hereby declared to be subject to the right of tak-
ing tolls as aforesaid, so long as the said bridge shall
be kept in good repair and condition, and sustained
as a public highway.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said county com-
missioners are hereby authorized, if in their discre-
tion the same may be deemed advisable or necessary,
to erect at or near the end of said bridge, a toll-
Authorized to
erect toll-
house, and are directed to appoint, annually, the
first appointment to date from the time when the
bridge shall be completed and ready for public use,
some competent and reliable person to act as bridge-
Authorized to
keeper, who shall be always on the spot to receive
the rates and toll as aforesaid; the said keeper shall
Give bond.
give a bond to the said county commissioners, with
good and sufficient security, to be approved by them,
in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, condition-
ed for the faithful and efficient discharge of his
duties, and shall account weekly with the county
commissioners for all tolls' collected by him, and
shall receive for his services such compensation as
said county commissioners shall think just and
proper, the same to be provided for in the annual
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said county
commissioners, before contracting for the building