AN ACT to repeal the act passed at the January
session, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chap-
ter two hundred and fifty-four, entitled "An act
to authorize and empower the County Commis-
sioners of Anne Arundel county, to appropriate a
sum of money to the capital stock of the Annapo-
lis and North Severn Bridge Company," and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy-two, chapter two hun-
dred and fifty-four, entitled "An act to authorize
and empower the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel county, to appropriate a sum of money to
the capital stock of the Annapolis and North Severn
Bridge Company" be, and the same is hereby re-
pealed, and the following sections enacted in lieu
thereof :
Repealed and
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the county commis-
sioners of said county, are hereby authorized to
cause a good and substantial bridge, for travel of
man and beast, to be constructed across Severn
River, from the foot of Severn street, or at such
point on said river as in the opinion of said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, may seem most prac-
tical and convenient, and most conducive to the
interests of the public (or public welfare), and to
that end they are hereby authorized to adopt such
plans, and to make such contracts, and to do such
acts, as may be necessary for the erection, construc-
tion and completion of said bridge.
Authorized to
build a bridge
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners in causing said bridge to be built, shall have
the same provided with a suitable and sufficient
draw-bridge over the navigable part of said river, of
a width of not less than fifty feet, for the safe and
secure passing and repassing of vessels and steamers
navigating the same.
Provided with