levied at their regular annual levy for the present
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the cost of
maintaining said bridge so purchased or built, and
Equal propor-
tion .
keeping it in safe repair and condition for public
travel, shall be paid in equal proportions by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and the
County Commissioners of Anne Arundel county,
and they are hereby authorized to levy upon the
assessable property of the said city or county, as the
case may be, such sums as may be necessary from
time to time to defray said costs in the proportions
SEC. 6. And be it farther enacted, That the County
Commissioners of Baltimore county, upon being
notified in writing of the intention of the said Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore, and the County Com-
road or street.
missioners of Anne Arundel county, to build the
bridge as provided for in the'preceding section of
this act. shall cause immediate action to be taken
towards opening and constructing a suitable county
road, or street, from the northernmost terminus of
said bridge along the most direct and practicable
route to the city limits, to intersect Russell street
extended, said road or street to be opened and con-
structed by the said County Commissioners of Balti-
more county, and paid for as other county roads or
streets are opened and paid for under the road or
street law of Baltimore county then in force; pro-
vided, however, that nothing contained in this act
shall prevent the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, or the State of Maryland, from condemning
said Light Street Bridge as a nuisance, at any time
hereafter, whenever the same may become such, or
whenever it may, to any serious extent, interfere
with free navigation to and from "Spring Garden,"
or Middle River Branch of the Patapsco -River; but
before the removal thereof in pursuance of such
condemnation the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more, and the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel county, shall provide for the continuance
of free and safe travel between Baltimore city and
Anne Arundel county aforesaid, either by .establish-
ing a free, permanent and suitable ferry from