AN ACT to prevent stock running at large in Bal-
timore county, within five miles from Baltimore
Not lawful.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That it shall not be lawful for stock of
any kind to go at large and without attendants
within the distance of five miles from the limits of
Baltimore city.
Duty of con-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful for
any person, and shall be the duty of the Constables
and the Police force of Baltimore county, to take up
and impound any horse, mule, horned cattle, goats
or swine, which may be found going at large and
without attendants within the said described limits,
and any constable or other person so taking up and
impounding shall notify a justice of the peace, resi-
dent within said limits, who shall give notice of said
impounding by advertisement at one or more public
places within the same limits, describing the stock
so impounded, and that the same will be sold at
public auction at some public place within said
limits, within ten days; provided, that if the owner
of any stock impounded, under this act, shall prove
to the satisfaction of the justice of the peace that the
said stock did not go at large from negligence or
want of care on his part and that due diligence was
used to prevent it, the owner shall have return of
the property on paying all expenses of keeping and
all costs whatever incurred, and one dollar for tak-
ing up each of said stock.
Authorized to
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said justice of the
peace shall be fully authorized to make sale of such
stock if not returned as aforesaid, and out of all
monies arising from such sale, made under the exe-
cution of this act, he shall pay to the party taking
up, if a constable or police officer, and impounding
said stock one dollar for his services therein, and also
all other expenses incurred, and the remainder to
the owner or owners who may establish claim to
said property; and in the event of no such claimant