WHEREAS, to meet this necessity and relying upon
future legislation to authorize and confirm their act,
Hillary P. Pitts, William Showell, Cyrus L. Wil-
liams, John M. Taylor, John R. Purnell, and others,
associated together and at their own expense, con-
structed a secure and substantial bridge at the above
named point, with a draw in the same twenty-five
feet wide, which will admit the convenient passage
of all boats and vessels capable of navigating this
portion of said bay, therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the above described bridge as located
and constructed, is hereby authorized, and the right
to hold, maintain, possess, improve. and control the
same as a toll drawbridge, is hereby conferred on
the aforesaid Hillary P. Pitts, William Showell,
Cyrus L. Williams, John M. Taylor, John R. Pur-
nell, and those associated with them and their suc-
cessors, who are hereby created a body politic and
corporate under the name and style of the Ocean
City Bridge Company, and as such may sue and be
sued, plead and be impleaded, and have perpetual
succession in the exercise of all the. rights and priv-
ileges generally incident to a corporation of like
Capital Stock.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said corporation shall not exceed ten thousand dol-
lars, to be divided into four hundred shares of twen-
ty-five dollars each; the said stock shall be con-
sidered personal property and transferable on the
books of the company.
Time of meet-
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the stockholders of
. said company shall meet in the town of Berlin,
Worcester county, on the first Monday of March
next, and elect by ballot five directors from among
their number, to manage the affairs of said corpora-
tion, who shall remain in office until their successors
have been elected and have entered upon their du-
ties; and if from any cause the said organization is
not effected, at the time above specified, any three
of the said stockholders may call a meeting at any
other time after twenty days' notice for the purpose,