may deem proper; provided that no such payment
shall be made until water shall have been actually
introduced into said city by such company; and
provided further, that said levy of five cents, as
aforesaid, shall not be made, or used and applied for
any other purpose whatsoever; provided that sub-
section two shall have no binding effect unless the
project receive the approbation of the Mayor and
Common Council to be elected at the next municipal
election in said City of Westminster; and provided
further, that in the event of the said project receiv-
ing the approbation of said Mayor and Common
Council, a certificate to that effect shall be filed with
the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Carroll county
and be by him recorded; any surplus of said tax,
levied under the provisions of this sub-section over
the amount of water rent necessary to be paid to
said water company, the said Mayor and Common
Council may expend as they may deem best, in pro-
viding facilities for the use of said water on the streets
and at fires as aforesaid.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 23, 1876.
In force
AN ACT to authorized and empower the States
Attornies for Dorchester and Caroline counties to
stet certain cases on the dockets of the Circuit
Courts for said counties, respectively.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the States Attornies for Dorchester
and Caroline counties be, and they are hereby author-
ized and directed to stet each and every case of in-
dictment now upon the dockets of the Circuit Courts
for Dorchester and Caroline counties, respectively,
Authorized to
stet cases.