575] Index 111
Water-ways, influence on French :
settlements, 9-10, n, 90-91. <
Watlington. John, 364. |
Weaver, Chas. Clinton, on "In- ;
terna! Improvements in North
Carolina," 121-207. ;
Weiser, Conrad, 334.
"Weidon and Gaston Railroad ,
Co.," aoo.
West. Attorney-General, quoted,
West, Capt. John, 412-413.
''Western College of North Car-
olina," 141.
"Western North Carolina Rail-
road," 204.
Whitcomb, Gov. (Ind.), 68-69.
White. Father Andrew. 360. 376-
377, 38o, 381, 382, 384- 386.
388, 417 (note), 418, 428-429,
Williams. Jesse L.. 59 (note), 74.
''Wilmington and Manchester
Railroad Co.." 202.
Wilmington and Raleigh Rail-
road Co.," 104-196.
"Wiimington and Wcldon Rail-
road Co.," 180 (note), 109,
200. (See "Wilmington and
Raleigh." etc.)
Windebank. Secretary (Md.), 406-
Wintour, Frederick, 403-405. 427,
428. note), 434. 45,4.
; Wyandot Indians. 17.
; "Yadkin River Co.." 177-178.
' Yancey. Bartlett. 337, i-(o.
; Yaocomico Indians. 38(1-390.
Yorkc. P.. 285. 485.
1 Young. Joan, 397.
; Young. Cap!.Thus.. 403-404. 410-
i 411.
Page 308, Sine 7; for " stinkebees." read stinkebus.
Page 312, line 12; instead of " for," read frcnn.
Page 314, line 29; for " Citizens." read ciliscn.
Page 340, note t2.—Since writing this a printed copy of the session
laws of 1747 has been found.