Repudiation. (See "Indiana,''
••Michigan," etc.)
Ridgely. Nicholas, .298. |
Riley, Capt. Jas.. 33-34. 1
''Roanoke Railroad Co." (See .,
"Portsmouth and Roanoke.")
"'Roanok-e and Raleigh Railroad ,
Co.." 196.
"Roanoke. Danville and Junc-
tion Co.." 196-197. ;
"Roanoke Navigation Co.." 122,
Rockfish creek improvements,
Ross, John, 333. I
Saigo. Gen., 229.
"Salisbury Convention," 130 '
''Seaboard and Roanoke Rail-
road Co.," 200.
Sedgrave, 452-454. :
Sharpe, John. 284. 285. i
Sharpe, Horatio, 276. 334, 35i. !
Shepherd, quoted, 400. .1
Shawnec Indians. 17. i
Sioussat, St. George L..on "Eco- |
nomics and Politics in Mary- |
land," 273-352.
"English Statutes in Mary- \
land," 471-570. i
Smith. Thomas. 408-410. 423-426,.
435. 438-439. .
Smyth. John. 409. 1
''Sotweed Redivn'us," 305-309,
Speight. Jesse, 136.
"St. Mary's." 386-392. 417-410.
State debts. (See "Maryland,"
Steiner. Dr. B. C., 276. 305. 528.
on "Beginnings of Maryland."
Stcvens, John. 185-186.
Stickney. 'Major. 37 (note), 94.
Stokes. John. 182 (note')..
Swain, D, L.. 128.
Takiki, Masayoshi. on "Japan-
ese Paper Currency.'' 213-
Talbot, C.. 285.
"Tar River Company." 174-176.
"Tarborough and Hamilton Rail-
road Co.." 191.
Tasker, BenJ.. 322, 329, 333, 348.
Tasker, Benj., Jr., 334.
Tessenet, M. du, 27.
Tippecanoe river, 55.
Tobacco in Maryland. 278-281,
285-286,280-291, 294-295, 298-
300.302-309, 312-314, 324-326,
Tofifi, 29.
Trading posts (French), iB-3i.
United States government sur-
veys, 42.
Vaughan, Robert, 435. 437, 439.
Vincennes, Sie-ur de. 19.
Vincennes (Indiana), 19, 21, 23.
24, 25, 27, 31.
Virginia, internal improvements,
171-172,181-185, •588-189. 192.
Volney, quoted, 21-22, 27-31.
Wabash river, explorers, 10-12.
Indians, 16-17.
French. 24-25, oo-gi.
fur trade. 25-28, oi.
"Wabash and Erie Canal," 32-88.
origin, 32-45.
trade necessity. 32-36.
military necessity, 36-37.
federal support, 38-43.
state support. 38-39, 45-48, 49-
56, 57-6.2. 64-74.
organization, 45-50.
work begun, 48.
construction. 48-63. 75-7°.
\ income. 76-80.
, financial difficulties. 80-85,
; disuse of canal. 8^-86.
! abandoned. 88.
i development of Northwest, 89-
I immigration, 05-98.
agriculture, 98.
industries, 99-102.
commerce, 102-106. log.
1 passenger traffic, no,
i "Wabash Trade Route," 9-112.
early use, 10-15, 18-19, z8, 90-93.
! struggle for. 28-31. . . -
i Wagg-amaw river improvements,
J i7S.
! Warren, Lieut. Ratcliflfe. 410. 439.
i Washington. Geo., favors Wa-
bash canal. 32-33, 41.