NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 123.
Authorised to sell
tickets in any part
of the state. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid managers,
or any
of them, or any person authorised by them, shall have full power
and authority to sell and dispose of tickets in the said lottery,
either in the city of Baltimore or any other part of this state,
without paying any tax to the corporation of the city of Baltimore
therefor, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
A Supplement to an Act (a), entitled, An act to incorporate
to make several turnpike Roads through Baltimore County,
and for
other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 300.
(a) 1804, ch. 51. See Nov.
1812, ch. 59; Dec. 1813, ch. 171; 1815, ch. 166.
This act appears to be repealed by 1815, ch. 166, s. 17. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act respecting Writs of Habeas Corpus. Lib. TH. No.
2, fol. 301. |
Officers to return
writs of habeas
corpus within 3
days. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
whensoever a writ of habeas corpus shall be served, by delivering
it to the officer or other person to whom it is directed, or by leaving
it at the gaol, prison or place, in which the party suing it out is
detained, unless the warrant of commitment plainly and specially
express the same to have been for treason or felony, such officer or
other person shall, within three days after such service, make return
of the writ, and cause the prisoner or person detained, restrained
or confined, to be brought before the proper court, judge or
judges, according to the command thereof, and shall likewise certify
the true causes of his or her detainer or imprisonment, if any, or
under what colour or pretence such person is confined or restrained
of his or her liberty, but if the prisoner is to be brought more than
twenty miles, the sheriff or other person shall be allowed so many
days more to bring him or her in, as will be equal to one day for
every twenty miles of such further distance, and every such writ
shall be signed by him who awarded it.
By Dec. 1813, ch. 175, the truth of
the return may be controverted; witnesses
may be subpœnaed, and their attendance enforced, &c. |
Persons committed
in vacation time,
upon complaint
to the chancellor,
&c. is entitled to
a habeas corpus
returnable immediately. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person in
the vacation time
shall be or stand committed or detained as aforesaid for any crime,
or under any colour or pretence whatsoever, unless it be for treason
or felony, plainly expressed in the warrant of commitment, the
prisoner or person detained, not being convict or in execution by
legal process, or any one on his behalf, may complain to the chancellor,
or any judge of the court of appeals, of of the county courts
of this state, or to the chief justice of the court of oyer and terminer
and gaol delivery for Baltimore county (a), who, at the request of
such prisoner or person detained, or other person on his behalf, or
upon a view of a copy of the warrant of commitment or detainer,
or cause of commitment or detainer, or otherwise, upon affidavit
made that a copy thereof was demanded of him in whose custody
the prisoner was detained, and the same neglected or refused to be
given, to award and grant a habeas corpus, to be directed to the
officer or other person in whose custody the party committed or detained
shall be, returnable immediately before the said chancellor,
judge or chief justice, and upon service thereof as aforesaid, the
officer or person in whose custody the party is so committed or detained,
(a) See 1816, ch. 193. |