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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 965   View pdf image (33K)
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NOV. 1809.

CHAP. 116.

*  Ch. 110.

                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

time, entitled unto, together with a list of such creditors,
and a list of such property, so far as he can ascertain the same,
on oath, annexed to or accompanying such petition, the count
court shall direct personal notice of such application to be given to
the said creditors, or to as many of them as can be served therewith,
or their agent or attornies, or direct notice of such application to
be inserted in some news-paper of the city of Baltimore, for such
time as they may think proper; and on the appearance of said creditor,
or neglect to appear on notice, at the time or times and place
appointed, the county court shall administer to the petitioning debtor
the following oath:  " I, William Sinclair, do swear, that I will
" deliver up and convey to my creditors, now residing in Ireland,
" or with whom I contracted any debt, or to whom I became indebted
" on or before the _____ day of _____, when I first arrived in the
" United States of America, in such manner as the county court
" shall direct, all my property, debts, rights and claims, that I have
" or claim any title to in Ireland, or in any other kingdom, state or
" country, except the state of Maryland, or have or claim, or at
" any time had or claimed, any title to, in possession, reversion or
" remainder, and that I have not, directly or indirectly, at any time,
" sold, conveyed, lessened, or at any time brought into this state
" from any other state or country, any of my property whatsoever,
" wearing apparel excepted, or disposed of, for the use of any person
" or persons, or intrusted, any part of my property, debts,
" rights or claims, to defraud my said creditors, or any of them, or
" to secure the same to receive or expect any profits, benefits or advantages
" thereby;" and the said county court shall thereupon release
and finally discharge the said William Sinclair from all claims
and demands of the said creditors, without their assent to the same,
but as to the appointment of a trustee, and in all other respects,
subject and according to the provisions of an act passed at November
session, eighteen hundred and five*, entitled, An act for the
relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the several supplements

Not to affect any
creditor other than
before mentioned.
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing herein contained shall
be construed in any manner to affect any creditor of the said William
Sinclair other than such as are herein before mentioned and described.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
                                    CHAP. CXVII.
An Act authorising Thomas Taylor, late Sheriff of Cecil County, to
            complete his Collection. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 293.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
†  Ch. 87.
                                   CHAP. CXVIII.
A Supplement to the Act , entitled, An act to authorise and empower
    the Court of Appeals for the Western Shore to hear and determine
    the matter of the Decree of the late Court of Appeals of June Term,
    eighteen hundred, between Benedict Edward Hall, Executor of
    Amos Garratt, deceased, and Adminsitrator de bonis non with the
    Will annexed of Peter Dicks, deceased, and the Representatives of
    Jacob Giles, deceased. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 293.

Passed Jan. 6, 1810.
Ch. 66.
                                          CHAP. CXIX.
A Supplement to an Act , entitled, An Act for the benefit of the Heirs
    of Doctor Daniel Jenifer. 
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 294.  A Private Act.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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