NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 110.
To make choice of
some place most
convenient to voters. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the above named
shall meet on or before the first day of May next, at such place as
they may think proper, and make choice of some place most convenient
for the voters in the district, where the necessary accommodations
can be had. |
To return a certificate
of their determination
clerk of county. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners
one or before the first day of June next, return a certificate of their
determination to the clerk of the county, by him to be recorded
among the records of Montgomery county, and the place by them
agreed on and returned as aforesaid, shall be hereafter the place
for holding the said elections for the first election district in Montgomery
county. |
Their allowance. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners
receive the sum of two dollars per day for performing the duties
imposed by this act, to be assessed and levied on the assessable
property of said county, and the same be collected by the collector
of the county, and by him paid to said commissioners, or their order,
any act to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act to authorise a Lottery to raise a sum of Money for the purpose
of cutting and opening a Canal from the Head of Blackwater
River to the Head of Parson's Creek, in Dorchester County.
TH. No. 2, fol. 284.
This act repealed by 1816, ch. 100,
and the bond given by the managers inoperative
and of no effect, further than as it may regard transactions of the said
previous to the act of repeal. |
PAssed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act for the relief of Thomas Nicholls, of Montgomery County.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 286. A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act respecting a Monument or Statue to the memory of Washington.
Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 287.
Supplements, 1815, ch. 102, and 1816, ch., 77. See 1818, ch. 212. |
Persons authorised
to propose
schemes—to give
bond. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for James A. Buchanan, David Winchester,
John Comegys, James Calhoun, jun. Nicholas G. Ridgely,
James Williams, George Hoffman, James Patridge, Robert Miller,
Washington Hall, Isaac McKim, Lemuel Taylor, Robert Gilmore,
jun. Fielding Lucas, John Frick, James Barroll, Benjamin H.
Mulliken, Nathaniel F. Williams, Levi Hollingsworth, Edward J.
Cole, Doctor James Cocke, William Gwynn and William H.
Winder, or a majority of them, to propose a scheme or schemes of
a lottery to raise a sum of money, not exceeding one hundred thousand
dollars, clear of all expenses incurred in drawing said lottery,
and to sell and dispose of the tickets thereof; provided the said
James A. Buchanan, David Winchester, John Comegys, James
Calhoun, jun. Nicholas G. Ridgely, James Williams, George
Hoffman, James Patridge, Robert Miller, Washington Hall, Isaac
McKim, Lemuel Taylor, Robert Gilmore, jun. Fielding Lucas,
John Frick, James Barroll, Benjamin H. Mulliken, Nathaniel F.
Williams, Levi Hollingsworth, Edward J. Cole, Doctor James |