NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 96. |
every cart or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels shall be more
than seven inches, and not more than ten inches, or being the
breadth of seven inches shall roll more than ten inches, five cents
for every horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon, the
breadth of whose wheels shall be more than ten inches and not exceeding
twelve inches, or being ten inches shall roll more than fifteen
inches, three cents for every horse drawing the same; for
every cart or wagon, the breadth of whose wheels shall be more
than twelve inches, two cents for every horse drawing the same. |
Scales to be erected
to ascertain
weight drawn
along road in wagons,
&c. |
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the purposes
of ascertaining
the weight that may be drawn along the said road in any cart,
wagon or other carriage of burthen, it shall and may be lawful for
the said president, managers and company, to erect and establish
scales and weights at or near such and so many of the gates erected,
or to be erected, in pursuance of this act, as they may think
proper, and where there may seem reasonable cause to suspect that
any cart, wagon, or other carriage of burthen, carries a greater
weight than is or shall be by law allowable, it shall be lawful for
the toll-gatherers, or other persons in their service or employment,
to prevent the same from passing such gate or turnpike until such
cart, wagon, or other carriage of burthen, shall be drawn into the
fixed or erected scales at or near any such gate or turnpike, and
the weight or burthen drawn therein ascertained by weighing; and
if the person or persons driving or having care of charge of any
such cart, wagon, or other carriage of burthen, shall refuse to
drive the same into such scales for the purpose aforesaid, the
person or persons so refusing shall forfeit and pay to the said president,
managers and company, any sum not less than five dollars
nor more than eight dollars, to be recovered in the manner herein
after mentioned. |
Weight allowed to
be carried.
Provisos. |
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no wagon or other
carriage with
four wheels, the breadth of whose wheels shall not be four inches,
shall be drawn along the said road with a greater weight thereon
than two and one half tons; that no such carriage, the breadth of
whose wheels shall not be seven inches, or being six inches or more
shall roll at least ten inches, shall be drawn along the said road
with more than five tons; that no such carriage, the breadth of
whose wheels shall not be ten inches or more, or being less shall
not roll at least twelve inches, shall be drawn along the said road
with more than eight tons; that no cart or other carriage with two
wheels, the same breadth of wheels as the wagons aforesaid, shall
be drawn along the said road with more than half the burthen or
weight aforesaid; and if any cart, wagon, or carriage of burthen
whatsoever, shall be drawn along the said road with a greater
weight than is hereby allowed, the owner or owners of such carriage,
if the excess if burthen shall be three hundred weight or upwards,
shall forfeit and pay four times the customary tolls for the
use of the company; Provided always, that it shall and may be
lawful for the said company, by their by-laws, to alter any or all
the regulations herein contained respecting the burthens, or carriages,
to be drawn over the said road, and to substitute other regulations,
if upon experiment such alterations shall be found conducive
to the public good; Provided nevertheless, that such regulations
shall not lessen the burthen of carriages above described. |