NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 95.
Proviso. |
are hereby authorised, as commissioners, to lay out and open, at
the expense of said county, a road, not exceeding thirty feet wide,
from Emmitsburg, through the said South Mountain, to George Oat's
tavern on the public road leading from Hager's-town, through Mark
Harman's Gap, to Baltimore, so as to do as little injury as possible
to the lands through which it may pass; Provided, that the said
road shall not pass through any houses, gardens, orchards or meadows,
unless with the consent of the owner or owners thereof; and
the said road, when so laid out and completed, shall be recorded
among the records of said county, and be thereafter deemed and
taken to be a public road, and shall be kept in repair as other roads
in said county are directed to be. |
Passed Jan. 6, 1810. |
An Act to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from the
Town of Westminster, in Frederick County, through Harman's
Gap, to Hager's-Town, in Washington County. Lib.
TH. No. 2,
fol. 253.
Supplementary and other acts, Nov.
1812, ch. 50; Dec. 1813, ch. 138; 1816,
ch. 21, and ch. 83. |
Company to be incorporated. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a company be incorporated for making a turnpike road, beginning
at or near the town of Westminster, in Frederick county, and running
in the nearest and best direction, through Harman's Gap, in
the South Mountain, to Hager's-town, in Washington county.
By 1816, ch. 83, the road may pass
through Graceham, in Frederick county. |
books to be opened,
&c. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books
be opened for
a capital stock of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, in shares
of twenty dollars each, and that subscriptions be take in for (a)
under the direction of Thomas Dickson, Cornelius H. Gist, Peter
Hoffman, Solomon Etting and George F. Warfield; for eighty
thousand dollars at Hager's-town, under the direction of Charles
Carroll, Upton Lawrence, Robert Hughes, William Heyser and
William Downey; for thirty thousand dollars at Mechanic's-town,
in Frederick county, under the direction of James Johnson, Joshua
Delaplane and John Weller; and for forty thousand dollars at Westminster,
in Frederick county, under the direction of David Fisher,
John Wampler and David Shriver, junior; who are hereby appointed
commissioners for the purposes aforesaid; who shall, on or
before the first Monday in April next, procure books, and in each
enter as follows, to wit: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed,
do promise to pay to the president, managers and company, of the
Hager's-town turnpike road company, the sum of _____ dollars for
every share of stock in the said company set opposite to our respective
names. Witness our hands, this _____ day of ____, eighteen
hundred and _____; and shall give notice in one of the public newspapers
in the city of Baltimore, one in Frederick-town, and one in
Hager's-town, for one month at least, of the times when, and places
where, the said books will be open to receive subscriptions of
stock for the said company, at which times and places at least two
of the said respective commissioners shall attend, and shall permit
(a) By Nov. 1812, ch. 50, reviving
this act, other regulations are prescribed as
to the sums, commissioners, places and time, &c. |