NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 71. |
Jacob Myers, Samuel Sterrett, Robert Barry, Peter Little and
William Stewart (a), or a majority of them, be and they are hereby
authorised to propose a scheme of a lottery, and to sell and dispose
of the tickets, as well in the city of Baltimore as in any other
part of the state, clear of the city taxes, any law to the contrary
notwithstanding, for raising a sum of money, not exceeding
twenty thousand dollars, for the use and purpose herein after mentioned.
(a) By 1810, ch. 143, other managers are appointed, &c. |
Bond to be given
and recorded. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said
William Sinclair,
William Ross, John Price, Thomas E. Bond, John S. Hollins,
Solomon Betts, Charles Robinson, Baltzer Sheffer, Jacob Myers,
Samuel Sterrett, Robert Barry, Peter Little and William Stewart,
proceed to make sale of any ticket or tickets in the said lottery,
they shall give bond to the state of Maryland in the penalty of forty
thousand dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly conduct
the drawing of said lottery, and apply the money arising
therefrom, within six months after the drawing thereof, to the payment
of the prizes drawn therein to the adventurers to whom they
shall be due, and the necessary expenses incurred in the management
thereof, and the residue thereof to the purpose herein after
mentioned; and the said bond shall be lodged in the office of the
clerk of Baltimore county, to be there recorded, and upon such
bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may be instituted for
any breach or noncompliance with the conditions thereof. |
Money raised to
be appropriated
to building academy,
&c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the sum of money
raised, in
manner aforesaid, under the direction of the said William Sinclair,
William Ross, John Price, Thomas E. Bond, John S. Hollins, Solomon
Betts, Charles Robinson, Baltzer Sheffer, Jacob Myers,
Samuel Sterrett, Robert Barry, Peter Little and William Stewart,
or a majority of them, shall be applied to the building of a commodious
house within the city or precincts of Baltimore, adapted
to the purpose of an academy for the education of females; and the
persons aforesaid, or a majority of them, are hereby nominated,
constituted and appointed, trustees for the purpose of fixing, planning
and finishing the same; and as soon as the said building shall
be erected and finished, Sarah Browne and George Matchett, of
the city of Baltimore, who now are jointly engaged in the education
of females, under the name and form of The Baltimore Female
Academy, shall be immediately put into possession thereof;
and the said Sarah Browne and George Matchett, or the survivor
of them, shall and may hold, use and occupy, the same, for the
purpose aforesaid, by the name and style of The Baltimore Female
Academy, and the said building shall be ever after held and
known by the name aforesaid, and used for the purpose aforesaid. |
In case ten or
more children are
not taught in a
year, property to
be vested in mayor
and city council. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said Sarah
Browne and
George Matchett shall die, remove out of the city and county of
Baltimore, or if either the said Sarah Browne or George Matchett,
or both of them, shall fail or neglect to teach, or cause to be
taught, in the said Baltimore Female Academy, ten or more female
children, for the space of one whole year together, then and
in that case the said building, with its appertenances, shall pass to,
and vest in, the mayor and city council of the city of Baltimore,
to be held by them, and their successors, in their corporate
capacity, for ever thereafter, for the purpose aforesaid. |