NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 64. |
from time to time be deemed expedient to make and finish, shall make
and declare a dividend of the clear profits and income thereof, all
contingent costs and charges, and a reasonable fund for repairs,
and for the progressive improvement and accomplishment of the said
work, being first deducted and reserved among all the subscribers
to the stock of the said company, and shall, on the first Monday in
the month of March and September in every year, publish the half
yearly dividend to be made of the clear profits among the stockholders,
and of the time and place when and where the same will
be paid, and shall cause the same to be paid accordingly. |
To lay an abstract
before the general
assembly, &c. |
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president
and managers
shall, at the end of every third year from the date of the incorporation
until two years after the whole road shall be completed,
lay before the general assembly of this state an abstract of their
accounts, shewing the whole amount of the capital stock expended
in the prosecution of the said work, and of the income and profits
arising from said toll for and during the said respective periods,
together with an abstract account of the costs and charges of keeping
the said road in repair, and all other contingent costs and charges,
to the end that the clear annual income and profits thereof may
be ascertained and known; and if at the end of two years after the
said road shall be completed from the beginning to the end thereof,
it shall appear, from the average profits thereof for the said two
years, that the said clear income and profits thereof will not bear
a dividend of six per centum per annum on the whole capital
stock of the said company so expended, then it shall be lawful to
and for the said president, managers and company, to increase the
tolls herein allowed, in equal proportions, upon each and every allowance
thereof, so as to raise the dividends up to six per centum
per annum; and at the end of every ten years after the said road
shall be completed, they shall render to the general assembly a like
abstract of their account for three preceding years, and if, at the
end of any such decennial period, it shall appear from such abstract
that the clear profits and income of the company will bear a dividend
of more than ten per centum per annum, then the said toll shall
be so reduced as to reduce the said dividend down to ten per centum
per annum. |
Company to erect
guide-posts and
mile-stones. |
19. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said company
shall cause
posts to be erected at the intersection of every road falling into and
leading out of the said turnpike road, with boards and index hands,
pointing to the direction of such roads, on both sides whereof shall
be inscribed, in legible characters, the name of the town or place
to which such road leads, and the distance thereof in measured or
computed miles, and shall also cause mile-stones to be placed on the
side of the said road, to designate the distances to and from the
principal places thereon, and also shall cause to be affixed on the
gates to be erected, for the information of travellers and others using
the said road, a printed list of the rates of toll which from time to
time may be lawfully demanded.
See 1815, ch. 9, s. 7. |
Penalty for injuring
them. |
20. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
or persons shall
wilfully break, deface, pull up or prostrate, any mile-stone which
shall be placed in pursuance of this act on the said of the said road,
or shall obliterate the letters or figures subscribed thereon, or shall |