NOV. 1809.
CHAP. 64.
Proviso. |
six cents, and with two horses, nine cents; for every chair or
coach, phæton, chaise, stage, wagon, coachee or light wagon, with
two horses and four wheels, twelve and one half cents; for either
of the carriages last mentioned with four horses, twenty cents; for
every other carriage of pleasure, under whatever name they may
go, the like sums, according to the number of wheels and of horses
drawing the same; for every cart or wagon, or other carriage of
burthen, the wheels of which do not in breadth exceed four inches,
six cents each horse drawing the same; for every cart or wagon,
the wheels of which shall exceed in breath four inches, and shall
not exceed seven inches, three cents for each horse drawing the
same; for every cart or wagon, the breadth of the wheels of which
shall be more than seven inches, and not more than ten inches, or
being the breadth of seven inches, and shall roll more than ten
inches, two cents for each horse drawing the same; for every cart
or wagon, the breadth of the wheels of which shall be more than
ten inches and not exceeding twelve inches, or being ten inches
shall roll more than fifteen, one cent and a half for each horse
drawing the same; and for any such carriage the breath of the
wheels of which shall be more than twelve inches, one cent for
each horse drawing the same; and when any such carriage as
aforesaid shall be drawn by oxen or mules in the whole or in part,
two oxen should be estimated as equal to one horse, and every ass
or mule as equal to one horse, in charging the aforesaid tolls; Provided
always, that it shall not be lawful for the said turnpike company
to erect, or cause to be erected, any toll-gate or gates on
either of the roads leading through Cecil county, over which the
said turnpike road shall pass, any thing in this act to the contrary
See 1815, ch. 9, s. 2. |
Manner of proceeding
company when
roads are out of repair,
&c. |
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said company
shall neglect
to keep the said road in good and perfect order and repair for
the space of fifteen days, and information thereof shall be given
to ay justice of the peace of the county, such justice shall issue a
precept, directed to any constable, commanding him to summon
three judicious freeholders, to meet at a certain time in the said precept
to be mentioned, at the place in the said road which is complained of,
of which meeting notice shall be given to the keeper of
the gate or turnpike nearest thereto; and the said justice shall, at
such time and place, by the oath or affirmation of the said freeholders,
inquire whether the said road or any part thereof, is in such good
and perfect order and repair as aforesaid, and shall cause an inquisition
to be made, under the hands and seals of himself and a majority
of the said freeholders, and if the sid road shall be found by
the said inquisition not to be in such good order and repair as herein
is required, he shall so certify, and send one copy of the said inquisition
to each of the keepers of the turnpikes or gates between
which such defective place shall be, and from thenceforth the tolls
hereby granted to be collected at such turnpikes or gates for the
immediate distance between them shall cease to be demanded, paid
or collected, until the said defective part or parts of the said road
shall be put in good and perfect order and repair as aforesaid; and
if any of the keepers of the gates aforesaid shall take, or attempt to
exact, tolls for the intermediate distance between the gates aforesaid |