An Act for the benefit of Elizabeth Thomas, of Kent County.
TH. No. 2, fol. 130. A Private Act.
Empowering her to sell and dispose
of a grist and saw mill heretofore sold by
William Thomas, deceased, to Robert Davidson. |
JUNE 1809.
CHAP. 8.
Passed June 9. |
An Act authorising and directing the Levy Court of Somerset County
to levy a sum of money for the support and maintenance
of Levin
Miles, a lunatic. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 131. |
Passed June 9. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition
of the trustees of the poor for Somerset county, that they
have in their charge and keeping a certain Levin Miles, a lunatic,
of turbulent disposition, praying that a sum of money may be levied
on the assessable property of the said county for the safe
keeping and support of the said Miles; therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court for Somerset county shall, and they
are hereby empowered, at their next meeting for the purpose of
fixing the levy of said county, to levy such sum of money as will
reimburse the said trustees for the expenses and charges which
have accrued to them for providing for the said Miles since the
first day of February last; and the said levy court shall and they
are hereby directed to levy, at the same time, and annually thereafter,
so long as the trustees aforesaid shall deem it necessary,
such further sum, not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars,
which said sum, when so levied, shall be collected as other county
levies are, and paid over to the said trustees, and applied by them
in such manner as they may conceive will be most advisable for
the restoration and benefit of the said lunatic. |
Levy authorised. |
An Act for the benefit of Edward Eversfield, a Minor, and others,
Prince-George's County. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol.
132. A Private
Act. |
Passed June 9. |
An Act for the relief of David C. Stewart, Lloyd Buchanan and William
P. Stewart, of Baltimore County, Insolvent Debtors.
TH. No. 2, fol. 133. |
Passed June 9. |
WHEREAS David C. Stewart, Lloyd Buchanan and William
Stewart, heretofore copartners and joint dealers in the trade and
business of merchants at the city of Baltimore, by their petition to
this general assembly, have set forth, that in or about the month of
April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six,
from divers unavoidable losses and misfortunes in trade, they became
insolvent, and unable wholly to pay and discharge the debts
and engagements due and owing from, and entered into by them;
that at an early period of their commercial operations, they entered
into an arrangement with the house of Hazlehurst, Brothers and
Company, whereby they mutually agreed to accommodate each
other with the loan of their credit, by endorsing notes, and becoming
securities at the custom-house for the payment of duties, and
in the event of misfortune to either, it was stipulated, that the other |
Preamble. |