CHAP. 10. |
is in a direction injurious to their lands and plantations,
and that the same may be altered without inconvenience to
the public; therefore, |
to be appointed to
enter lands and locate
purposed alterations
of road. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of said county shall appoint three commissioners,
who are hereby vested with full power and authority to enter the
lands of the said Elizabeth Charlton and Mary Sim, and examine
and locate the said purposed alteration of the public road leading
from Woodsborough to Frederick-town, and make return to the
levy court, and if it shall appear to the levy court, or a majority
of them, that the said alteration will shorten the distance, and promote
the public convenience, the levy court shall direct the alteration
to be made, and the road so altered shall be recorded among
the land records of the county, and kept in repair as other public
roads in said county. |
Expenses to be
paid by Elizabeth
Charlton and
Mary Sim. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the expenses arising
in the execution
of this act shall be paid by the said Elizabeth Charlton and
Mary Sim. |
Passed Dec. 20. |
An Act authorising Thomas J. Pattison, late Sheriff and Collector
Dorchester County, to complete his Collection.
Lib. TH. No. 2,
fol. 8. |
Passed Dec. 20. |
A Further Supplement to the act *, entitled, An act relating to
public Roads in the several Counties therein mentioned.
Lib. TH.
No. 2, fol. 8. |
Parts of sections
† 1807, ch. 15. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all
and so much of the thirteenth section of the original act to which
this is a further supplement, and the third section of the supplement
to the said act †, so far as the said sections relate to, and operate
upon, the inhabitants of Dorchester county, be and are hereby abrogated
and repealed, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. |
Passed Dec. 20.
‡ 1807, ch. 73. |
An Act annulling the Marriage therein mentioned, being supplementary
to an act ‡, entitled, An act for the relief
of Mary Gwinn, of
Frederick County. Lib. TH. No. 2, fol. 9.
A Private Act. |
Passed Dec. 22. |
An Act for the relief of Petit Jurors of Baltimore County Court.
TH. No. 2, fol. 9. |
Numbers of jurors
to be summoned
to Baltimore
county court, &c. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That to
every court hereafter to be held for Baltimore county, there shall
be summoned twenty-four petit jurors to serve during the first
three weeks of the term,, and twenty-four other jurors to serve during
the remainder of the term; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff
in summoning the said jurors, to notify each, in writing, of
the day and hour when he is to attend, and also the time during
which he is to serve.
See June 1809, ch. 5, and 1816, ch. 139. |