diffusing useful information, tend much to the advancement of the
prosperity of the state, and ought to be encouraged; therefore, |
CHAP. 169. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
there be erected, and hereby is erected, a Board of Agriculture in
Cecil, Kent, St. Mary's, Anne-Arundel, Somerset, Worcester,
Baltimore, Talbot, Montgomery, Washington and Caroline
counties, in the state of Maryland, and that the said Boards of
Agriculture be regulated under the management and direction of
the trustees herein after mentioned, to wit: |
Board of Agriculture
erected in
several counties. |
For Cecil county—Zebulon Hollingsworth, Samuel Moffett,
Samuel Miller, Daniel Sheridine, John Gilpin, James L. Porter,
Thomas W. Veasy, John R. Evans, Stephen Hays, Henry T. Sleeyter,
William Alexander, Jeremiah Taylor, junior, Frisby Lloyd; |
Managers for Cecil
county. |
For Kent—James Parker, James Welsh, John Carvell
junior, Cuthbert Hall, William Gale, Unit Angier, Benjamin
Chambers, Thomas Worrell, James Bowers, Isaac Caulk, Simon
Wickes, senior, James Ringgold, William Crane; |
For Kent. |
For St. Mary's—William Hebb, Doctor Barton Tabbs,
Sewell, Athanasius Fenwick, John R. Plater, William Thomas,
Henry Neale, Philip Key, John Sotheron, Thomas Gardiner,
William H. Brown, Joseph Ford, senior, Joseph Booth; |
For St. Mary's |
For Anne-Arundel—Richard Dorsey, (of Caleb), Richard
Doctor Charles A. Warfield, Thomas Worthington, (of Nicholas),
Charles Waters, Henry Maynadier, Jonathan Sellman,
William Hall, 3d. Thomas Sellman, Horatio Ridout, Caleb Dorsey,
(of Thomas), Francis Cromwell and Brice Worthington; |
For Anne-Arundel. |
For Somerset—General John Gale, Henry James Carroll,
Samuel Kerr, Alexander Stewart (of Tipquin), John Cottman,
Benjamin F. A. C. Dashiell, John C. Wilson, senior, William
Jones, (of Monokin), Littleton Dennis, senior, General Levin
Winder, Zadock Long, George W. Jackson, Doctor Thomas Williams; |
For Somerset. |
For Worcester—Joshua Prideaux, Edward Henry, Zadock
James B. Robbins, Joshua Duer, John Cottingham, Zadock
Sturgiss, Isaac Franklin, John Dashiell, Samuel Handy, George
Hayward, Charles Bennett, senior, William Holland, senior; |
For Worcester. |
For Baltimore—John T. Worthington, John Bond, Benjamin
Jones, Jamed Hood, Francis Snowden, Thomas Lemmon, George
Epaugh, Nicholas Merryman (of Elijah), Thomas Talbott, Benjamin
Wilson, John C. Owings, Robert Porter, Harry Dorsey
Gough, Doctor Ezekiel John Dorsey, John Crooks; |
For Baltimore. |
For Allegany—Benjamin Tomlinson, George Hoffman,
Cox, Upton Bruce, Joseph Cresap, David Lynn, Roger Perry,
Thomas Greenwell, Samuel Coddington, David Hoffman, senior,
Jesse Tomlinson, William Shaw, John Rice; |
For Allegany. |
For Montgomery—Thomas Cramphin, Thomas Moore, Samuel
Thomas, third, Honore Martin, James Lackland, Charles Gassaway,
Joseph N. Cheswell, Thomas Fleethall, John Wales; |
For Montgomery. |
For Washington—Thomas Sprigg, Frisby Tilghman, Charles
Carroll, William Fitzhugh, Elie Williamd, Martin Kershner, Jacob
Zeller, Richard Pindell, Samuel Ringgold, Daniel Hughes,
John Buchanan, John T. Mason, John Claggett; |
For Washington. |
For Caroline—Williamn Whiteley, John Hardcastle,
Seth H.
Evitts, Joseph Richardson, Peter Willis, Thomas Hardcastle, senior, |
For Caroline. |