CHAP. 145.
Proviso. |
Ridgely, of Hampton, Christian Keener, Peter Hoffman, and their
successors in office, duly elected in the manner herein after set forth,
together with the present and future contributors to the said charity
school, be and they are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation
and body politic for ever hereafter, by the name and style
of The Trustees of the Orphaline Charity School, and by that name
they shall be and they are hereby made able and capable in law, to
have, purchase and receive, possess, enjoy and retain, to them and
their successors as aforesaid, lands, tenements and hereditaments,
rents, annuities and pensions, in fee-simple, or for a term of years,
life, lives, or otherwise, and also goods, chattels and effects, of
what nature, quality or kind soever, by the gift, bargain, sale or
devise, of any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable
to make the same, and the same to grant, demise, alien or dispose
of, in such manner as the said trustees, by a majority of voices,
may judge most conducive to the use and benefit of said institution;
Provided always, that a majority of the trustees shall be necessary
to form a quorum for the transaction of business, and also that
the said corporation shall not, at any one time, hold or possess property,
real, personal or mixed, exceeding in value yearly the sum of
three thousand dollars. |
Nine female characters
to be annually
for managing
Proviso. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for the orderly
management of
said school there shall be annually appointed nine discreet female
characters, in the following manner, to wit: The contributors and
subscribers to the said charity school shall assembly at the school-house
belonging to said society, or at such other place as shall
be duly ratified by the trustees, on the second Tuesday of April in
each and every year, to come between the hours of ten o'clock in the
morning and six o'clock in the evening, and they, or so many of them
as shall be then and there present, shall proceed to ballot for nine discreet
female characters, to serve as directors for the ensuing year;
the nine persons having the greatest number of votes to be considered
as duly elected; in case of an equality of votes, the persons having
such equality, and no others, to be balloted for again until a majority
be obtained; the said election to be held before a committee of trustees
by that board appointed one month at least before the election;
the election to be closed on the day it is held; no contributors or
subscribers to vote unless he or she shall have paid five dollars at
the least to the aforesaid charity school within one year next immediately
preceding the day of election; nor shall any person be entitled
to more than one vote; all vacancies at the board of directors,
after the election, to be filled up by themselves; the said female directors
shall have the sole superintendence, care and direction, of
the said school, and may pass any ordinances for the orderly management
and good government thereof, the same not being inconsistent
with this law, the laws of this state or of the United States;
Provided always, that a majority of said directors shall be
in all cases to form a quorum for the transaction of business. |
Vacancies in board
of trustees, how to
be filled. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all vacancies hereafter
at the board of trustees, shall, as soon as convenient, be made
known to the female directors, who shall forthwith proceed to fill
up the same. |
Children placed in
school, to be subject |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any parent
or guardians,
or any orphans court, shall have placed any female child or children |