CHAP. 142. |
parties shall proceed to trial at the first court to which the writ
shall be made returnable, and no imparlance or appeal shall be allowed. |
No supervisors to
work with less
than ten able-bodied
labourers, &c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no supervisor shall
proceed to
work on any public road with a less number of able bodied labourers
than ten, unless it be for repairing a bridge or bridges, removing
fallen trees, or other obstructions, or for the purpose of finishing
or amending his respective road, which may be completed with
a smaller number of hands than ten, on forfeiture of his wages for
the time that a less number shall be employed, to be deducted out of
his allowance by the levy court. |
Supervisor's allowance. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each and every
supervisor so appointed
as aforesaid, shall be allowed for his services as such, a sum,
in the discretion of the levy court, not exceeding two dollars per
day. |
Part of an act
repealed. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That from and after
the first Monday
in April next, every part of the original act to which this is a further
supplement, that is contrary to, or inconsistent herewith, be
and the same is hereby repealed. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for removing an obstruction in Conewago-Street, and for extending
the width and changing the direction of Ten Feet Lane
the City of Baltimore. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol.
See 1810, ch. 48. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general
assembly, that
some benefit and convenience will result to the citizens of Baltimore,
by extending the width and changing the direction of Ten Feet
Lane, in the city of Baltimore, from Vulcan-alley to Conewago-street,
and removing an obstruction in Conewago-street; |
Lane may be extended
with consent
of owner of
land. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the city commissioners for the city of Baltimore shall have power,
and they are hereby directed, with the consent of the owner of the
land on each side of Ten Feet Lane, to cause the said lane to be extended
to the width of sixteen feet, from Vulcan-alley until it intersects
Conewago-street, and that the said commissioners are also
directed to change the course of said lane, by causing it to run in
a right angle southwardly from Conewago-street to the mouth of
Vulcan-alley. |
When extended,
the lane as it now
runs to be the
right of the present
owner of the
land. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said lane,
called Ten
Feet Lane, shall be extended and altered as is by this act directed,
then and in such case the whole of Ten Feet Lane, as it now runs
from Vulcan-alley until it intersects Conewago-street, shall be the
right and estate of the present owner of the land on each side of
said lane, his heirs and assigns, for ever. |
When altered, the
owner of the land
on each side thereof,
to relinquish
his right to the
same. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said lane
has been altered
and changed as is hereby directed, the owner of the land on
each side of said lane, shall relinquish all his right and title to the
said land on which the change shall be made, and the same shall
thereafter be deemed and taken as a public lane or alley, without
any compensation for the land included therein. |
Owner of land
which lies in Conewago
street also
to relinquish his
right, &c. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That upon making the
alteration by
this act prescribed, the owner of the land which lies in Conewago-street,
not hitherto condemned, shall immediately thereupon relinquish |