CHAP. 136.
Court authorised
to appoint guardians
to infants
who may acquire
property by gift
or purchase, &c. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said several
orphans courts
be and they are hereby authorised and empowered to appoint a
guardian or guardians to an infant, who may acquire real or personal
property by gift or by purchase, in the same manner, with
the same powers, and upon the same terms and conditions, that
they may appoint a guardian or guardians to an infant acquiring
such property by descent, devise, or in right of distribution. |
Register not entitled
to receive any
fee in certain cases. |
5. BE IT ENACTED, That hereafter no register
of wills, in the
several counties of this state, shall be entitled to receive any fee
for entering the appearance of the state to any proceedings in any
of the orphans court of this state, unless when a citation issues,
nor for entering the continuance of any proceedings in any of the
said courts, except for the entering the same at the term at which
the said continuance was granted.
See 1797, ch. 76. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act authorising the Sale of five thousand Tickets in a Lottery
the State of Pennsylvania for the encouragement of the
Arts. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 476. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS George Dobbin, of the city of Baltimore,
hath by his
petition to this general assembly set forth, that he has been applied
to by the managers of a lottery in the state of Pennsylvania, authorised
by an act of the legislature thereof, for the encouragement
of the useful arts, as their agent, to sell and dispose, in the city of
Baltimore, of a quantity of tickets in the lottery aforesaid: And
whereas from the scheme of said lottery, and the laudable purposes
and views with which the same has been established, it appears
to this general assembly that it may, and most probably will, tend
to the encouragement and establishment of domestic manufactures,
and that it may be of great service to the poorer classes of society;
therefore, |
Tickets authorised
to be disposed
of in the city of
Proviso. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the said George Dobbin, as agent for the managers of the said lottery,
or any other person or persons whom they may authorise for
the purpose, be, and he or they is or are hereby authorised to sell
and dispose of tickets in the abovementioned lottery in the city of
Baltimore, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided always,
that the number of tickets so sold or disposed of shall not,
in the whole, exceed the quantity of five thousand. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for the relief of Edward Henry, of Worcester County.
TH. No., 1, fol. 476. A Private Act.
The sale made to him by the executors
of John Gunby, of two tracts of land
called Desire's Addition, and Jerico, confirmed and rendered
valid. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for the preservation of the Navigation of Cabbin Creek, in
Dorchester County. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 478.
This act repealed by November 1809, ch. 26. |