CHAP. 64. |
majority of them, in their judgment, may deem necessary and proper
to be recorded. |
Registers fees. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said register
shall be entitled
to receive ten cents per side for all such wills by him recorded as
above required, as a compensation for his services for recording
the same. |
Amount to be levied. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Worcester
county may and shall levy on the assessable property of said county,
such sum of money as the fees for recording said wills may amount
to, to be collected and paid over by the sheriff of Worcester county
to the register aforesaid. |
Duration. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall
continue in force
until the first day of May, eighteen hundred and eleven, and no
longer. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act authorising Benjamin Ray, late Sheriff and Collector of Montgomery
County, to complete his Collection. Lib. TH.
No. 1, fol.
375. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act authorising and directing the Sales of certain Lands lying
in Worcester County, belonging to William Fleming, deceased.
TH. No. 1, fol. 376. A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
* 1805, ch. 113. |
A Supplement to the act, * entitled, An act authorising the drawing
of a Lottery to defray the expense of building a Masonic
Hall in the
City of Baltimore. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 378.
This act repealed, with the principal act, by November 1812, ch. 110. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act to incorporate a Fire Insurance Company in the City of Baltimore.
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 378.
See 1808, ch. 48. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that the establishment
of an institution in the city of Baltimore for insuring
buildings and personal property of certain descriptions from loss
or injury by fire, would be of great public utility, by alleviating the
distress to which individuals are exposed, particularly in cities and
towns, by affording them additional security to commercial transactions,
facilitating internal intercourse, and thereby contributing
to an increase of the wealth of society; therefore, |
Capital stock—
Subscriptions to
be opened in the
several counties. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the capital stock of the said company shall consist of five hundred
thousand dollars, in shares of fifty dollars each, and that subscriptions
for the same be opened in the several counties of this state, and
in the cities of Baltimore and Annapolis, for the several proportions
thereof, in manner following, to wit: At Baltimore, for the
city and county of Baltimore, for five thousand shares, under the
direction of James Calhoun, Alexander McKim, William Wilson,
Mark Pringle, Adam Fonerden, Joseph Townsend, Edward Johnson,
Henry Payson, Michael Diffendaffer, Henry Stouffer, William
Norris, Andrew Ellicott, Joseph Blays, Hezekiah Waters and |