3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any two justices
of the peace,
within their own county, shall have the same power and authority
to take the acknowledgments of deeds for conveying property as
aforesaid, as the judges of the county courts respectively have.
By 1816, ch. 74, s. 20, the mayor of
Frederick Town may take the acknowledgment
of any deed required to be recorded, and to have the same effect as
if taken by one or two justices of the peace of Frederick county. |
CHAP. 52.
of deeds conveying
property may
be taken by two
justices of the
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all deeds heretofore
(a) made by
any feme covert for conveying property as aforesaid, and all acknowledgments
of release or relinquishment of a right of dower,
shall be good and effectual to pass the estate, or bar the said right
of dower therein limited or expressed, provided it shall appear by
the acknowledgment thereof, that she made the same voluntarily,
and out of the presence and hearing of her husband, and that the
said deeds shall be, in all other respects, executed, acknowledged
and recorded, agreeably to the provisions of the law.
(a) By 1808, ch. 73, it is declared,
that by an error in engrossing this act, the
word "heretofore" had been inserted instead of the word "hereafter," and
it was
enacted that this act shall receive the same construction, as if the error
had not
been committed. |
Deeds by feme
covert. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all deeds for the
conveyance of
property as aforesaid, which may be hereafter acknowledged by
any attorney in fact, in his own name, shall be as good and valid
in law as if acknowledged by him in the name of his principal;
provided, that in all other respects the said deeds shall be executed,
acknowledged and recorded, agreeably to law. |
And deeds by attornies
to be good,
&c. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That nothing in this
act contained
shall affect, or be construed to extend to, any case where a recovery
has been actually had in opposition to any defective deed or
deeds in any court of justice in this state, or when any person or
persons are in the possession of the property in virtue of a compromise
with the persons executing such defective deed, or those
claiming under him, her or them. |
Not to affect certain
cases. |
An Act for founding a Medical College in the City or Precincts of
Baltimore for the instruction of Students in the different
of Medicine. Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 358.
See ch. 111. 1808, ch. 96; and November 1812, ch. 159. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
WHEREAS it appears to this general assembly that
many benefits
would accrue, not only to the state of Maryland, but to many
other parts of the United States, from the establishment of a seminary
for the promotion of medical knowledge in the city of Baltimore;
therefore, |
Preamble. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a college for the promotion of medical knowledge, by the name of
The College of Medicine of Maryland, be established in the city
or precincts of Baltimore, upon the following fundamental principles,
to wit: The said college shall be founded and maintained for
ever upon a most liberal plan, for the benefit of students of every
country and every religious denomination, who shall be freely admitted
to equal privileges and advantages of education, and to all
the honours of the college, according to their merit, without requiring
or enforcing any religious or civil test, or urging their attendance
upon any particular plan of religious worship or service;
nor shall any preference be given in the choice of a president, professor, |
College to be established
in city or
precincts of Baltimore. |