CHAP. 46.
Justices of levy
court may exchange
ground. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the justices of the levy court for Baltimore county be and they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to exchange any part of the
said triangular piece of ground with any person or persons owning
land adjoining the same, in such manner and on such terms as they
may deem most promotive of the interests of Baltimore county,
and the said piece of ground, either before or after said exchange,
to cause to be laid off in lots of such dimensions as they may deem
adviseable, and every third lot thereof to lease and demise, upon
the usual terms and conditions, to any person or persons whatsoever,
for ninety years, renewable for ever, and to make, execute and
acknowledge, all deeds necessary for the leasing and demising of
the said every third lot of the said piece of ground, reserving and
making payable all rents issuing therefrom to the justices of the
levy court for Baltimore county, and their successors, for ever.
See 1805, ch. 34, s. 4 and 5. |
And cause lots to
be laid off, &c. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said justices
of the levy
court for Baltimore county be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered, to cause lots, fronting on the west side of said Howard-street
extended, of convenient dimensions, to be laid off from
the residue of said ground appropriated to the use of the said
alms-house, and every third lot thereof to lease and demise, in the
same manner, and upon the same terms and conditions, that they
are authorised to lease and demise the lots described in the aforegoing
section of this act. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808.
* 1806, ch. 91. |
A Supplement to an act * authorising the Collection of certain
Ground-Rents due on Lots in the Town of Cumberland.
Lib. TH.
No. 1, fol. 353. |
Thomas Beall of
Samuel authorised
to sell certain lots. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Thomas Beall, of Samuel, shall be and he is hereby authorised to
sell and convey any lot or lots heretofore sold by him, and now
held by bond of conveyance or otherwise, at the same time, and at
the same place, he shall sell the lots where conveyances have been
made by him, and which he is authorised to do under the original
act to which this is a supplement, and which said sale and conveyance
shall be as good and valid as if the power now given to sell
the lots not conveyed had been conferred by the original law. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for the benefit of James Griffin, of Saint-Mary's County.
Lib. TH. No. 1, fol. 353. A Private Act. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act for the benefit of John Burgoin, of Cecil County. Lib.
No. 1, fol. 354. A Private Act.
Making valid his title to three lots
in North East, devised to him by his father,
James Burgoin. |
Passed Jan. 20, 1808. |
An Act to provide for transcribing and recording certain Records
Papers in the Register's Office of Kent County.
Lib. TH. No. 1,
fol. 355. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly,
that certain
records and papers appertaining to the estates of deceased
persons require transcribing and recording in the register's office |